Feel Like Getting Involved
I will soon be starting to overhaul the Emulators section. This section will be setup using the new database system used for the roms and will provide users with downloads for emulators for various computers for as many platform formats as are available.
In order to help me continue to develop this website and its contents I am suggesting that one of you become the administrator of this new section.
Your role/job will be to source and upload emulators for all the various formats into the correct folders and then post the updates in the forum. I will provide whoever is selected with their own FTP access and the ability to create/name folders to upload the emulators to. Your work will be immediatly visable and this will provide a great deal of help to me.
I am asking everyone that is interested to record your interest in this topic. The best person for the job will be selected and will be given full recoginition for their support in running this section.
Please give this some thought and let me know if you are interested. I currently have enough to do just developing the engine and uploading roms.
Thanks in advance