30-09-02 |
on Holidays |
Hi all, I will be unavailable from
today until the 16th Oct 2002 because
I am going on my holidays for 2
weeks. All sales will be on hold
until I return, all orders currently
placed will be fulfilled while I
am away. See ya all soon.
NOTE : All orders placed between
27th Sep and 15th Oct will not be
processed until 16th October. This
is due to staff holidays. All current
orders will be completed within
this period. Sorry for any inconvience.
13-09-02 |
Splash Screen |
I have just finished a completely
new splash screen for the website.
The completely cooool spinning joystick
is the work of Kris Levinson from Alambik, they
are also responsible for my Radio
is a high level language for HTML
that allows you to code incredibly
small and fast routines. It knocks
the socks off Flash for speed and
size. Check these guys out to learn
special thanks has to go to Kris
for his coding ability and his patience
with me over the design of the joystick,
once again Kris ... I salute you
11-09-02 |
Radio Streams Added |
Due to complete Radio Stream overload
I have added 2 more stream feeds
for you to enjoy. Please use the
second stream if you are having
thanks to Christophe Le Sage (Owner
of Nectarine) for his kind email
and the additional feeds that he
has provided direct to myself. Also
many thanks to everyone that has
emailed with their kind comments,
I'm glad you like it.
to scenemusic.net for the complete low down on
the retro radio.
Our hearts and souls go out to the
people of America on this day. What
happined in Newyork effected everybody
here in the UK. I remember excatly
where I was and what I was doing,
as does everybody else.
those who lost their lives on September
11th 2001.
10-09-02 |
Retro Radio Now Available |
After much work I have completed
my own live Retro Radio Feed's.
Streaming 24/7 with over 10,000
songs in the database, this feed
will bring back memories for C64,
Amiga and Demo Scene users. Three
are available for different download
speeds, all are available from this
main menu. Once loaded just leave
the window open to keep the stream
going. Many thanks to OJuice for
the terrific site.
Additionally you can link to my
feed from your own website if you
like, just email me requesting the
feed details.
09-09-02 |
all GFX Artists |
So you think you have what it takes
to design and create a really cool
banner for this website .... well
now is your chance. Everyone has
a chance to see their GFX displayed
on this website for the world to
see. Simply design and create a
banner (700 x 100) in JPG format
and email it to me Web
Master and they will be displayed
for everyone to vote on. All the
entries can be viewed HERE
and there is no limit to how many
times you can submit. All the banners
(if good enough) will be used at
various points on this site. You
could even design a site area specific
banner (like roms section or Library)
if you wish. So stop surfing for
porn and start thinking of a cool
retro banner. Nuff said.. HT.
06-09-02 |
x NEW T-Shirt Design's & Prices |
New Defender T's and Geeza (sega)
T's in stock, prices have been updated.
Avalable to UK, Ireland, US, Canada,
05-09-02 |
the hell just happined |
OK .... lets recap ....... Sun 1100hits,
Mon 950hits , Tue 1080hits, Wed
980hits ............... Thur 5000
and counting !!!!
did everybody come from ...... hello
by the way ...... you are all very
welcome, please feel free to donate
all your money and stuff, also buy
more t-shirts and send me loads
of new material. oh and also could
you all go out and spread the word
about my site .....................
i have waited ..... oh how i've
me fill up the new (empty) guestbook.
29-08-02 |
Guestbook is DEAD |
Unfortunatly BESEEN.COM has been
shut down and no longer propvides
my guestbook. Also rather sadly,
all of the entrys from the old guestbook
are now lost, so my appoligies to
everyone who took the time to sign
it. Many of you had left very heart
warming comments and I am somewhat
annoyed at loosing them. It is on
that note that I ask everyone that
previously signed the guestbook,
and all of you those who have not
yet, to please take the time and
add your comments now and help fill
up the book.
the site visitors are approaching
1200 per day average, my thanks
to everyone for their support and
I hope to bring you lots more in
the coming months.
dudes ... HT
12-08-02 |
Room has Been Added |
Due to demand I have added a chat
room for you users to discuss all
things retro, gaming, computing
and emulation. Everything goes but
ADULT material so enjoy. I will
try and pop in from time to time.
09-08-02 |
T-Shirt Design's & RANGE |
New PuckMan T-shirt design for the
Retro Gaming section and changes
made to the prices and sizes.
range of Clubbing T-Shirts available.
Click to view.
08-08-02 |
with C64 Roms FIXED |
A few users had reported problems
downloading the BLAST disk images
from the Commodore 64 roms section.
I have made the necessary changes
to make sure that you can all use
these files. Sorry for the oversight.
01-08-02 |
from the TV Film Shoot |
Hi again gang, I have uploaded the
pictures from the TV film shoot
that took place in April this year.
The series will shot on BBC Choice
in the Autumn and I will upload
a full MPEG of the show as soon
as I receive it.
26-07-02 |
Hour RETRO RADIO !!!!!! |
I have been a member of this site
for a long while but I'm placing
this news add because the site is
soooooo good. 24 hour retro radio
from C64, Amiga, PC and DEMO's.
If you hav'nt already, then join
today and tune in ............
25-07-02 |
T-Shirt Design, EASY ORDERING |
A total of 15 different T-Shirts
are now available from the classifieds
section. Made from 100% Cotton these
T-Shirts are available to customers
in UK, Europe and US. Go to the
section for a complete list and
19-07-02 |
emulators added |

have added the latest version of
WinUAE Amiga emulator for Windows
to the Emulators section. I also
included some additional files,
in the future i will start an Amiga
roms section. If you have a good
Amiga roms collection please contact
19-07-02 |
roms uploaded & Emu Update |
After spending some time finding
every Vectrex ROM I could I have
now completed the Vectrex sections.
You can find the latest emulators
for the console and also the complete
ROM download a long with two sets
of overlays for the games ... been
a busy old month this ....
many thanks for the kind comments
in the guestbook, nice to know you
all appreciate it. By the way the
site now gets over
1000 hit's per day. (:o)
18-07-02 |
emulators added |

latest versions of MAME (0.61b)
and MAME32 (0.61) have been added
to the emulators section for you
to download. I also included the
latest version of EmuLoader v3r2.
... Enjoy ... you never know, maybe
a MAME roms section will appear
.. given enough money and webspace...
17-07-02 |
NEW Intellivision Emulator |

I have just uploaded the NEW Intellivision
emulators for Windows and DOS. Both
are available in the emulators section
for download. I will also be adding
a roms section for this great console
in the near future.
16-07-02 |
64 ROM Section OPENS |
After some considerable time I have
returned to my roots. The Commodore
64 was one of the best home computer
systems ever and has a loyal and
creative following. This new ROM
section is my contribution to the
cause. All roms are from the BLAST
collection and as such I acknowledge
the people that compiled them. Long
live the C64 ..... I hope you enjoy
the games.
15-07-02 |
Computer & Console BIOS ROMS |
just completed and uploaded the
new BIOS roms images section. In
here you will find all manner of
computer and console BIOS's. Thus
allowing you to use any emulator
on the site with it's intended origional
am working to add a complete Commodore
64 BLAST collection to the site
in the next few days, I have not
to date had much C64 stuff on here,
even though I owned one of these
great computers for many years,
but all that is about to change,
all 340 Blast Disk images will be
available for download before the
end of the month.