URGENT Appeal : Please DONATE we need your help to stay open !
Account Upgrade Form
5 stars 5 out of 5"Astonishing Site!
5 out of 5 Stars!"


183,000+ Users are already using us to get access to the largest collection of ROMs and EMULATORs, Resources and forums available anywhere. Please I urge everyone to donate what you can to help keep this website and it's staff going and in return you will get instant access now to the largest collection of retro nostalga anywhere on the internet.

We need your support NOW, more than ever. Emulation and ROM websites are closing and the material may be lost forever. Help keep Emulation alive and donate today.

Roms : 461285 | Systems : 508 | Manufactures : 148 | Total DLs : 108.1 million
New Members Today : 37
To Donate and Upgrade INSTANTLY follow the steps!

1 : REGISTER : in the forums. (Click to Register) and importantly confirm your account by clicking on the link that will be emailed to you.

2 : DONATE : (pay with Credit Card or Crypto Currency)

How To Donate (Automatic & Immediate Account Upgrade)

1 : Go to our partner website partner website
2 : Log into the website using your forum account details.
3 : Go to the Digital Canvas Artwork page and choose any one of the digital artworks available. They vary in price so you can donate more if you wish. The lowest price artwork will upgrade you account.
4 : Checkout using either your Credit Card or your choice of Crypto Currency. We accept BitCoin, LiteCoin, ETH, Monero and many more. All payments are secure.
5 : Go to the My Orders page and download your chosen artwork. Remember that in order for your account to be upgraded here, you must sucessfully download your purchased image at least once.
6 : You will now automatically be upgraded to Unlimited.
Note : Once you complete the image download your will have received your purchase so if their are any issues please just contact us at this website, please do not contact the partner site as they will not deal with any issues.

3 : START DOWNLOADING : Remember to logout and back into the ROMS or EMULATORS sections to refresh your account status.

You can find additional information and help by visiting the following pages.

For full details on registration and how to complete the process visit our dedicated forum registration info page.

For specific help with Unlimited account use visit our FAQ for problems with Unlimited Accounts.

For general support visit our list of all FAQ resources and the most common FAQ's.

"I have visited many sites like this one, but by far this is the best of them all. [D_Keith]

Benefits of Upgrading
* Most Importantly help keep emulation alive *
1 : Access to ALL Unlimited Areas of the website.
2 : Access to Single Download ROM PACKS.
3 : Access to MAME ROMs section.
4 : Access to ADULT ROMs section.
5 : 25 x Downloads at a time (normally 2 x)
6 : Increase to Maximum Download Speeds.
7 : Unique RANK showing your status in the forums.
8 : You're Unlimited Status is for life!

Why upgrade to Unlimited?

In recent months we have seen emulation and rom websites come under attack and many have already closed. We are by far the largest single collection of both roms and emulators and we need your help to stay open. Please donate as much as you can and do your part to keep emulation alive.

As you know this site and all of its many thousands of roms, emulators, scans, manuals and magazines are free for everyone to use, even though it takes a great deal of money every month to run. We do this for you and in return we ask that you donate regularly to keep us running and to keep us advert free.

"This is the best ROM site on the Internet! Thank you so much for everything" [Cber kop]

As a guest you have a 64 KB/s download speed, if you register for free in the forums you can then login which will give you 3 times more speed (192 KB/s) but if you buy our unlimited account you get access to all unlimited areas of the roms like Adult XXX Roms and MAME Roms as well as Single download rom packs which make it easy to get entire collections quickly.

"One of the best sites on the entire Internet. And I have seen MANY. [derjukee]

I urge everyone to please pay as much as you can, we rely completely on your kind donations to stay open.

"... $20 for life? even if you use it for a month, that is a third than is normally charged for a site this good. [Kris1974]

Again thank you for anything that you donate, your donation will be registered in the Hall of Fame (you should check out the hall of fame for more members reviews).

"Awesome site. Best collection ever." [RetroKid-2000]

Automatic Account Activation
Once your payment is successful your upgrade will be activated automatically
, no delay.  You will then be able to download from ALL rom sections like MAME and Adult XXX Roms.

"Now with NO ADVERTS! this is the best rom site bar none!" [maxed2boo]