26-06-02 |
poped in to say hello ... |
guys, glad to see that the site
is averaging 550 users a day ...
every day. Im glad you all like
it, many thanks for the kind comments
in the guestbook and the like.
I will be uploading some pictures
taken from the film shoot in the
next few days. They show the BBC
crew filming the computer collection
for a show to be shown in October
2002. I will also be starting
to upload the new roms sections
for Dragon and ORIC as well as
more NES and Atari roms. I am
very busy with work at the minute
so I appoligise for the lack of
updates during June. Roll on July.
HT ..
06-06-02 |
2000 New Roms On The Way |
the direct help from a website
visitor, TOC will be brining you
a lot more retro roms in the near
future. Intellivision, Oric, Aquarius
and Bally Astrocade sections will
soon be opening and there will
be further aditions to the Atari
2600, 7800 and 5200 sections.
I might also start a complete
MAME section is space allows.
Keep coming back for more info.
03-06-02 |
the Diamond Web Award |
you must all like the website
out there, cause you the voting
public have won this site the
award in under a month. Yes thats
right, over 100 positive vots
in a month. Many many thanks for
the support, please keep on voting
to further promotr the site.
30-05-02 |
Board Overhauled |
have taken down the old Bulliten
board because it was not coping
with the use. To replace it I
have setup a new set of discussion
forums. Just click on the usual
link in the main menu to start
adding your veiws, comments and
other retro related stuff. If
you wish to view the old bulliten
board please just use the link
provided below.... all in the
name of progress .......
Old Bulliten Board can be found
23-05-02 |
Have Arrived !!!!!!! |
Nintendo roms
Available for Download
took a long time and a lot of
work but here they are with no
crap in the way. Many many thanks
to Zedocon
.... the section is dedicated
to you. Enjoy ....
21-05-02 |
900 Nintendo roms Uploaded |
1MB DLS connection has been installed
and have spent the night uploading
every NES rom ever released as
well as a collection of Japaneese
roms. I just now need to write
the page for displaying them and
the NES section will be complete.
Come back in the next 2-3 days
for the lovely roms.
to come are additions to both
the 2600 and 5200 roms sections
as well as possible an Atari and
NES game manuals section.
15-05-02 |
and Emulator Section Updates |
have updated the menu and navigation
menus for the roms and Emulators
sections. This will allow user
to find the stuff faster. I am
awaiting the 1Meg connection and
as soon as it is installed I will
be uploading all 900 NES roms.
... HT.
10-05-02 |
Featured in ESQUIRE |
Old Computer Dot Com has been
featured in the June 2002 Edition
of Esquire mens magazine. The
images used in the article named
'Blast From The Past' on pages
95 to 100 were taken largely from
this site. Many thanks to Esquire
for their interest in all things
retro. Visit their website here
The collection may also be featured
in a BBC series in October this
year called 'Born In The 70's'
if all goes well.
06-05-02 |
Comming Soon |
for the pause in updating the
website, I have been very busy
with my work in the past months.
The Website was featured in the
June 2002 edition of Esquire Magazine
they used the images in the Retro
Gaming article. More exciting
than that is the up comming TV
program that will feature my collection
of computers. The program was
filimed on 5th May and will show
sometime in October this year
on BBC3. I have pictures of the
film crew and my collection which
I will post on here soon.
I am also getting a 1MB broadband
connection installed soon which
will allow me to upload the NES
roms, all 300MB of them. Until
then I will keep updates to a
Later ... HT.