Tablets, tablets everywhere, and not a file to sync...

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Tablets, tablets everywhere, and not a file to sync...

Postby fanman93 » Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:06 am

So, today I decided to order a brand new Android tablet from a website that sells china wholesale. I won't post a link, for fear of being called a spammer, so if you really want to check out the site, then you can PM me!

What I want to discuss is how difficult it is to find a suitable Droid tablet right now. Sure, you have your name brand stuff, like the Galaxy Tab and the ASUS Eepad and such, but you never hear about those little manufacturers in China that make tablets that sell for, oh, I dunno, 50 USD. Sound too good to be true? Well, read on!

First, these tablets use the CHEAPEST ARM v7 chipset ever: the Allwinner brand. These processors can go up to 1.5 GHz (which is really good for a Droid), and cost (apparently) 3 or 4 dollars to buy. You can start to see how the tablet would be cheap. Really, with a tablet, you're paying for the hardware, insofar as the OS goes (meaning Android is free, so you're not paying for it). Slap in a standard 512MB of DDR3 RAM, a capacitive touch screen, and possibly a front camera, and you have yourself a nifty little device that'll give the original Samsung Galaxy a run for it's money. These tablets are only 7 inches, though, so you shouldn't expect to see very many people flocking to them.

Bottom line, has anyone heard of these extremely cheap Droid tablets? It's really interesting to look at them. I'll be sure to post pictures once I get it in 15 to 30 days!

:freakout: :freakout: :freakout:
Android is probably the best thing ever.
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Re: Tablets, tablets everywhere, and not a file to sync...

Postby JAHGoVeg » Fri Jun 22, 2012 8:24 pm

Just go ahead and post the link man. your more respected than someone who signs up and the first thing they do is post links soliciting products. (:
That's me
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Re: Tablets, tablets everywhere, and not a file to sync...

Postby Kherr » Thu Jun 28, 2012 3:19 pm

JAHGoVeg, It is not your place to just dismiss the rules of the board. You are not a Moderator, global or otherwise :problem: ...


I completely agree with you. :good:

Fanman93, you're more respected than some new member that decides to join and immediately starts spamming links and soliciting other websites in their first few posts. You've contributed to the discussions on this board and are more than welcome to start posting links. If the links are felt as though they are bordering spam/solicitation, then a moderator will simply remove the link and warn you about it. The only people that I ban right away for posting links is when they join, have 3 posts or less (or like that one guy 350 posts that are all solicitation), and the content of each post are nothing to do with the thread and are everything to do with gucci boots or something retarted and not game/technology related. Hence why that guy telling people about his text based games for the android phones/tablets hasn't been banned; he's talking about something gaming related, so that kind of link is fine. You're wanting to link to a technology webstore. That's fine, because you have nothing to gain from showing us the site. :3

I don't know, I'm rambling now. I'm not awake yet, still really early in the morning. :headbang:
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