Alternatively, you can scroll to the bottom of this post for instructions on how to use the DOOM 2 v1.7 from the PC Abandonware section here on TOC.
I've been working on this for quite some time. I started this project back in April of 2011 and just didn't find the urge to continue the project past v2. Once my Xbox 360 broke I suddenly found the urge to continue working on it, and after 2 days of studying the ZDoom Wiki on DECORATE code and working on it simultaneously, I finally finished the third version! It's still a Beta though, because I still have a lot of work planned out for it. :3
Here's the Changelog:
- Code: Select all
Here's to the very first mod I've ever produced (aside from levels of course)!
EffinDOOM (formerly known as DamagePlus)!
I'm sorry this has taken so long to get out, I swear I've been working on it! :3
Sprites: Yes
Sounds: Yes/No
Music: No
Levels/Maps: No
Skins: No
Textures: No
Works with: Skulltag
See below for full changes.
Wad Authors:
Compiler/Script/Bug Tester: DAKherrTD (AKA [D_A]Kherr, Kherr) - Shawn Garlick
Tutor/Bug Tester/Script Helper: -Jes-
Script Helper: Qent
Script Helper: HexaDoken
Name Idea: PMJP - Phil Pinsonneault
And all the people that have played on my public test servers!
Changelog for BETAv1:
-The Fist weapon now does way more damage than normal and is now viable in combat against more threatening monsters or in a crowd.
-The Chainsaw now does way more damage than normal and is now viable in combat against more threatening monsters or in a crowd.
-The Pistol now does approx. 5 times the amount of damage per bullet and has perfect accuracy every shot.
-The Shotgun now does approx. 3 times the amount of damage per pellet and has a tighter cluster of pellets. Also has double the amount of pellets per fire.
-The Super Shotgun now does approx. 3 times the amount of damage per pellet and has a tighter cluster of pellets. Also has double the amount of pellets per fire.
-The Chaingun now does approx. 5 times the amount of damage per bullet and has near-perfect accuracy with virtually NO spread of bullets when firing.
-Rockets now do anywhere from 3 to 4 times the amount of damage and have been increased in speed to 140%. WARNING! THIS ALSO AFFECTS THE CYBERDEMON!
-The Plasma Rifle now does approx. 5 times the amount of damage per ball and each ball has a faster rate of travel.
-The BFG9000 now does approx. 3 times the amount of damage on a direct hit. It also now affects 2x the amount of monsters in your line of sight with splash damage. The splash damage has been increased tremendously.
-BlueArmor now yields 300 armor.
-GreenArmor now yields 125 armor.
-Stimpacks have been re-named to "band-aids" and now yield 15 health per pickup. Also added a low-health message.
-Medikits have been re-named to "First-Aid Kit" and now yield 35 health per pickup, also allow you to collect up to 200 health.
-The Megasphere has not been altered and still yields 200 health and 200 armor.
-The Soulsphere now yields 150 Health per pickup and allows you to obtain a maximum of 300 health.
-Clips now yield 15 per pickup.
-Shells now yield 6 per pickup.
-Rockets now yield 2 per pickup.
-Cells now yield 30 per pickup.
-Boxes of Bullets now yield 80 per pickup.
-Boxes of Shells now yield 30 per pickup.
-Boxes of Rockets now yield 8 per pickup.
-Packs of Cells now yield 150 per pickup.
-All items including those listed above (except for keys) have new custom messages on pickup. Some messages have only been slightly altered for better grammar.
-Player's max non SR-40 speed has been increased from 100% to 110%. SR-40 now does 150% speed.
-Berserk Packs now yield 125 health per pickup but cannot exceed the 200 normal health maximum.
Changelog for BETAv2:
-Nerfed the fist's damage scalar. The Fist is still viable in a crowd, but is no longer viable against more threatening enemies such as the cyberdemon or the spider mastermind.
-Replaced the Chainsaw with a Double Bladed Chainsaw. Also modified the damage scalar from it's original and it is now viable in combat against more threatening monsters or in a crowd.
-Replaced the Pistol with a Colt .45. Also modified it's original damage scalars so it's now viable against more threatening enemies or in a crowd.
-Added a new weapon called "The Enforcer." It's a pistol and slot 2 weapon. It consumes no ammo, but only does 40% of the damage that the Colt .45 does. In your inventory at start.
-Added a new weapon called "The Knife." It's obviously a knife, and is a slot 1 weapon. Also modified the damage scalar from it's original value and it is now viable in combat against more threatening monsters or in a crowd. In your inventory at start.
-Changed the Shotgun sprites/sounds. Modified the spread to a tighter radius, but allowed for vertical spread.
-Changed the SSG sprites/sounds. Modified the spread to a tighter radius.
-Replaced the Chaingun with an AK47. Modified the damage scalar from it's original.
-Replaced the Plasma Rifle with a "Pulse Rifle" and changed it's rate of fire from a really slow rate to a medium rate. Also modified the damage scalar of it's ammo. WARNING! THIS ALSO AFFECTS ARACHNOTRONS! Consumes normal cells.
-Replaced the BFG9000 with a weapon titled "Nuclear Missile Launcher." THIS WEAPON IS EXTREMELY POWERFUL. IT WILL EXCEED DAMAGE SCALARS AND GOD MODE DOES NOT WORK WITH IT. IT WILL KILL YOU AND YOUR WHOLE TEAM! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THAT SURVIVAL NOT BE USED WITH THIS MOD! This is the result of modifying the damage scalars of every property to 5000. Also modified the speed from 30 to 10. The rocket is extremely slow. Uses a special ammo type that you cannot pick up. You must pick up other N.M.L.'s or backpacks to aquire more ammo. Consumes 1 ammo per fire, and gives 2 ammo from pickup of weapon. Backpacks enable 4 max ammo, and give 1.
-Modified the damage scalar of regular rockets exceptionally. Rockets now deal close to 40x the damage they normally do. WARNING! THIS ALSO AFFECTS THE CYBERDEMON!
-Added reflective properties to the Invulnerability Sphere's effect. Projectiles now bounce off of you when you are under it's effect.
-Player's max non SR-40 movement speed has been increased from 110% to 115%.
Changelog for BETAv3:
-Changed the N.M.L.'s damagetype to "NUCLEAR" and set the player(s) to be immune to its damage. Kickback still throws the character all over the place, however survival is still not recommended with this MOD (although now actually playable with it). Also changed the N.M.L. pickup message to remove the warning.
-Changed the N.M.L.'s rocket speed from "10" to "5" slowing the rocket down even further.
-Increased the N.M.L.'s damage scalars for additional damage to monsters ensuring death for 99% of anything in the room (except for what's around corners).
-Changed weapon.selectionorder for every weapon making weapons such as the SSG stay out when picking up the regular SG etc.
-Changed the SSG Sprites and animation seeing as the last version had delayed firing, added screen quake to the firing action.
-Player's max non SR-40 movement speed decreased from 115% back to 110%. Player was a little too fast at 115% movement speed.
-Clips now yield 10 rounds per pickup instead of 15.
-Shotgun shells have been returned to their default pickup value of 4.
-Rocket ammo has now been returned to its default pickup value of 1.
-Cell ammo now yeilds 10 cells per pickup instead of 30.
-Boxes of Bullets now yield 50 bullets (default) instead of 80.
-Boxes of Shells now yield 20 shells (default) instead of 30.
-Boxes of Rockets now yield 5 rockets (default) instead of 8.
-CellPacks now yield 50 cells instead of 150.
-Player can now only hold a maximum of 150 bullets without the backpack, 300 with the backpack.
-Player can now only hold a maximum of 30 shells without the backpack, 60 with the backpack.
-Player can now only hold a maximum of 25 rockets without the backpack, 50 with the backpack.
-Player can now only hold a maximum of 150 cells without the backpack, 300 with the backpack.
-All monsters have been swapped out with more engaging and troublesome monsters with alternate attacks.
-The Colt .45 (pistol) has been removed.
-The Enforcer Pistol has now been upgraded to require reloading with the alternate fire function, and the spread of the bullets fired has been increased slightly. Clips hold 12 rounds before needing to be reloaded, however the player can reload at any time there is less than 12 rounds in the current clip. At the start of game the clip is empty, not sure why.
-All monsters have been replaced and have new attacks, more health, and almost all monsters are now severely threatening.
-The Rocket Launcher now fires custom HOMING rockets. Oh yea, I said homing. Careful, they can kill without exploding (they have to hit a wall or solid object other than a monster to explode), allowing the rocket to continue homing towards another target, even if it's behind you!
-Status Bar (SBARINFO) changed to reflect ammo capacities.
Changelog for RC_1:
-Renamed mod to "EffinDOOM" from "DamagePlus"
-Most low monsters given a touch more health to make them a little more resistant to damage.
-The Super Shotgun was replaced with the Fire SSG from jkemod-11. Modified it's primary fire to the standard SuperShotgun fire, and changed the altfire to the Fire SSG's normal primary fire in jkemod-11. Primary fire does as much damage as the last SSG.
-Corrected certain grammar errors throughout the mod for weapon pickups, monster kills, and other things.
-Added ejecting shell/round casings to both shotguns, the AK47, and the Enforcer Pistol. All sounds and sprites ripped from jkemod-11.
-Changed the TITLEPIC and INTERPIC to more represent the challenge of the mod. :3
Weapon Authors:
All custom weapons downloaded from http://www.realm667.com/
Submitted: JoeyTD
Decorate: JoeyTD
Sprites: Terminator Rampage
Sounds: Unknown
Sprite Edit: JoeyTD, WildWeasel
Double Bladed Chainsaw:
Submitted: Xim
Decorate: Xim
Sprites: id Software
Sounds: id Software
Duke Shotgun (Shotgun):
Submitted: Captain Toenail
Decorate: Captain Toenail
Sprites: Id Software, 3d Realms
Sprite Edit: JoeyTD
Sounds: Id Software, Ryan Williams
Idea Base: The shotgun from Duke3D centred
Enforcer (Second Pistol):
Submitted: PillowBlaster
Decorate: PillowBlaster
Sprites: ClonedPickle, MidoriMan, Epic Games
Sprite Edit: PillowBlaster
Sounds: Ubisoft
Idea Base: Enforcer from Unreal Tournament
Submitted: Xim
Decorate: Xim
Sprites: ScubaSteve
Sounds: Unknown
Nuclear Missile Launcher (BFG):
Submitted: Xim
Decorate: Daniel
Sprites: Daniel, 3D Realms
Sounds: Epic Megagames (UT)
Pulse Rifle (Plasma Rifle):
Submitted: ShadesMaster
Decorate: ShadesMaster
Sprites: id Software
Sounds: id Software
Sprite Edit: Shadesmaster, JoeyTD
Fire SSG (Super Shotgun)
Extracted from "jkemod-11"
Seeker Rocket (from Seeker Bazooka)
Submitted: lolo_is_cool
Decorate: lolo_is_cool
Sprites: 3D Realms
Sounds: Duke Plus
Idea Base: Duke 3D RPG (Duke Plus Edition)
All custom monsters downloaded from http://www.realm667.com/
RapidFireTrooper (ZombieMan):
Submitted: Tormentor667
Decorate: Graf Zahl
GLDEFs: Lights.pk3
Sounds: Id Software, Rogue Entertainment
Sprites: Id Software
Sprite Edit: NMN, Tormentor667
SuperShotgunZombie (ShotgunGuy):
Submitted: Tormentor667
Decorate: Rhoq, Aerial
GLDefs: Dreadopp
Sounds: Id Software
Sprites: The Skulltag Team
Idea Base: Skulltag's Super Shotgun Zombie
SpiritImp (DoomImp):
Submitted: Ghastly Dragon
Decorate: Ghastly Dragon, Tormentor667
GLDEFs: Ghastly Dragon, Keksdose
Sounds: Id Software (edits)
Sprites: Vader
Sprite Edit: Tormentor667
With this one I toyed with the coding and the sprites until it was fixed and working properly. Inflicting pain on them made them disappear instead of showing pain, and that was after I made them not look like a snowy tv set... >.>'
NightmareDemon (Demon):
Submitted: Tormentor667
Decorate: AgentSpork
GLDEFs: Dreadopp
Sounds: Id Software, Midway
Sprites: Id Software
Sprite Edit: AgentSpork
Roach (Spectre):
Decorate: Ghastly_dragon
GLDefs: Ghastly_dragon
Sounds: Black Isle Studios, Blizzard Entertainment
Sprites: Vader
Sprite Edit: Ghastly_dragon, Mike12
HellstormArchon (HellKnight):
Submitted: Tormentor667
Decorate: Eriance
GLDEFs: Ghastly Dragon
Sounds: Id Software, Eriance
Sprites: Id Software, Midway, Eriance
Sprite Edit: Eriance
Idea Base: Hellstorm Archon of Hell
Azazel (BaronOfHell):
Submitted: DBThanatos
Decorate: DBThanatos
GLDEFs: Ghastly Dragon
Sounds: Blizzard (Diablo)
Sprites: Vader
Sprite Edit: DBThanatos
Idea Base: Classical image of Baphomet
Daedabus (Fatso):
Submitted: Ghastly_dragon
Decorate: Aerial
GLDefs: Ghastly_dragon
Sounds: Id Software, Ghastly_dragon
Sprites: Id Software
Sprite Edit: Vegeta, Aerial, Tormentor667
Diabolist (Archvile):
Submitted: Tormentor667
Decorate: Eriance
GLDEFs: Ghastly Dragon
Sounds: Id Software, Raven Software, Rogue Entertainment, Eriance
Sprites: Id Software, Raven Software
Sprite Edit: Eriance
Idea Base: Doom 2 Arch-Vile
With this one I personally added the classic Archvile's resurrection ability to his list of performable actions/attacks... :D
Thamuz (Cyberdemon):
Submitted: DBThanatos
Decorate: DBThanatos
GLDEFs: Dreadopp
Sounds: Blizzard (Diablo)
Sprites: Id Software
Sprite Edit: Jimmy
With this one I only had to make minor tweaks to get it working properly. The only thing I can note is it's "Height" property which was missing, so you could only shoot it in the feet until I put the Cyberdemon's actual height rating into it. >.>'
RailArachnotron (Arachnotron):
Submitted: Captain Toenail (latest version)
Decorate: Tormentor667, Captain Toenail
GLDEFs: Dreadopp
Sounds: Id Software
Sprites: Id Software
Sprite Edit: Tormentor667, Captain Toenail
Idea: Tormentor667
With this one I only modified it's beam coloration, making the rings black whilst the core stayed red from original.
Disciple (Revenant):
Submitted: Tormentor667
Decorate: Eriance
GLDEFs: Ghastly Dragon
Sounds: Raven Software, Eriance
Sprites: Raven Software
Sprite Edit: Eriance
Idea Base: Hellstorm Disciple
PoisonSoul (LostSoul):
Submitted: Tormentor667
Decorate: Neoworm
GLDEFs: Dreadopp
Sounds: Id Software
Sprites: Id Software
Sprite Edit: Neoworm
With this one I made it's poison clouds actually deal "Poison" damage and made them immune to "Poison" damage.
TorturedSoul (PainElemental):
Submitted: Tormentor667
Decorate: Xaser
GLDEFs: Dreadopp
Sounds: Id Software
Sprites: Id Software
Sprite Edit: Assmaster
Idea Base: The Tortured Soul from Nick's original "Beastiary"
With this one I removed it's "Poison gas attack" and added the standard PainElemental attack, which of course spits out LostSouls (or in our case PoisonSouls) since that attack string was missing. I also made it immune to "Poison" damage and shortened the time between attacks.
DoubleChaingunner (ChaingunGuy):
Submitted: Tormentor667
Decorate: Eriance
GLDEFs: Ghastly Dragon
Sounds: Midway
Sprites: Id Software, Eriance
Sprite Edit: Eriance
Base Idea: Doom 2 Chaingunner
Arachnophyte (SpiderMastermind):
Submitted: Tormentor667
Decorate: Xaser, Quasar
GLDEFs: Dreadopp
Sounds: Id Software
Sprites: Id Software
Sprite Edit: Xaser, Quasar
Authors MAY build on this code and use for any purpose they want. Please make sure to just credit me on the original code/compilation. I know this isn't much, but it's my first attempt at something. It's only a BETA because I'm still working out the damage/spread scalar and I've only released this becuase I want some tips on improvement. I am going to continue to learn and improve this mod and will eventually turn it into a PWAD with completely custom content for everything.
Contact Information:
Skype: dakherrtd
Windows Live Messenger: DAKherr@gmail.com
Email: DAKherr@gmail.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1458023806
Forums: http://www.theoldcomputer.com/forum/ (username: Kherr)
Newgrounds Page (for the music I produce): http://www.kherr.newgrounds.com/
DeviantArt Page (For the pictures I take): http://www.kherr.deviantart.com/
Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/dakherr/
Please contact me with any suggestions about this wad. I'd appreciate the feedback. English only please. :3
Thanks for reading this! :D
Whew! That's a lot of text! :3
This is it I guess... I'm gonna add screenshots now... :3
DamagePlusBETAv3 Screenshots - ZIPPED into one convenient file! Just download this and take a look if you wanna see the rest, I'm not gonna be bothered to upload 15 more screenshots that are 1280x800 and around 400kb a file individually. Besides, I already took up enough room with the code box. >.>'
*twitches* That was a lot of text. >.>'

Instructions on using DOOM 2 from this website
First you need to download THIS in order to do anything. Once you have this downloaded, you need to install it. THIS IS THE DOS VERSION, so you will be required to have DOSBOX installed. How To: Install and use DosBox. Follow the instructions in that thread and you should be fine in using DOSBOX to get this working.
Once you have DOOM 2 installed from using DOSBOX, navigate to where you said in DOSBOX that it should install to. REMEMBER THAT IT'S IN THE FOLDER YOU MOUNTED AS YOUR C:/ DRIVE, NOT THE ACTUAL "PROGRAM FILES" FOLDER! Find the file labled "DOOM2.wad" and make mental note of where it is. Keep this window open for later use, because you'll be moving that file into the new "Zandronum Wads" directory we're going to create in a minute...
Instructions on EVERYTHING ZANDRONUM is located at the link below. This also has the instructions on creating that new folder I mentioned just a second ago.
Zandronum HOW TO
Oh, and alternatively alternatively you can just contact me via a PM and I might be able to help you out more directly than either one of these ways. :3
Here's a video snippet of the monsters and weapons!
It's even in 1080p!