Adventures with Retrobright

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Adventures with Retrobright

Postby Bumcake » Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:34 pm

Well it all started on saturday gone, having a little browse on the famous auction site with my favorite search term "vintage, synth, synthesizer, computer & nearest first :mrgreen: "
And what pops up, something I've wanted since the 80's, Korgs first sampler synthesizer, the same one dad said no to buying for me in 1986, well it was over £3000 at the time :D and it's only 20 miles away :freakout:

Whats this got to do with old computers I hear you say, well this monster of a synthesizer reads 720k floppy disk's in some alien format, no bother I thought, I have a usb floppy drive that I used to make boot disks for my Akai samplers, the software is available to make the disks, hmmm after serveral hours with dosbox pulling out what little hair I have left I couldnt format any 720k floppys :freakout: turns out it cant be done with at least my usb drive....grrrr

But wait, whats lurking in the corner of dear fathers loft, my old Gateway 2000, it has Dos on it and more importantly a floppy drive :good:, 10 minutes later it's out of its box but noooo .... it now has a suntan, oddly the monitors fine but theres no way the wife is going to let me leave this setup looking this yellow, was bad enough sneaking another synth home!.

So theres no option, stripdown and cleanup, off to sally hair and beauty for a bottle of Peroxide cream, after getting some odd looks from the girl serving (bald and buying hair products) and being asked if I had or would like a sally card :eh: I went on my way home and started.
The results




Not too shabby.
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Re: Adventures with Retrobright

Postby crustyasp46 » Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:55 pm

You sould have posted this as a blog, very good in my humble opinion! :good: :good: :good: few more thumbs up for you. :cheers:
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Re: Adventures with Retrobright

Postby Hot Trout » Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:16 am

Superb, i love it. Anyone that shows old computers a little love is a friend of mine. Nice synth btw. Have you looked at the synth emulators available?
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Re: Adventures with Retrobright

Postby Bumcake » Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:22 am

Hot Trout wrote:Superb, i love it. Anyone that shows old computers a little love is a friend of mine. Nice synth btw. Have you looked at the synth emulators available?

It's alive!!! :lol: , I'd forgotten so many dos commands but google took care of that, spent about 2 hours re-making disk images for the Korg then wasted the rest of the night running dos demos :D , forgotten how nice (and huge) the the old Awe 32 soundcards are and how talented the coders from the demoscene were.

As for synth emulator's, hmmm that quickly turns into an addiction there are some superb emulations, the Korg legacy pack vst has to be my favorite along with Nostalgia vst.

I've a boxed c64 fm sound expander with full size keyboard which is begging to get set up and used, been waiting to pick up a breadbin c64 to use with it, dosnt feel or look the same with the c64c.
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