I just read through the entire hall of fame, and I just couldn't help but feel warm inside seeing all the comments about this place. I even noticed that there was a comment in french on the hall of fame, so I figured I'd use google to help out for this one. :3
Benjamin wrote:
"Merci pour ce site qui est une référence pour les retro-gamers et une source de données inestimable pour faire revivre nos anciennes machines. Il ne manque a votre site que la possibilité de ce connecter directement depuis la page d'acceuil. Donc voila, j'adore votre site et longue vie a celui-ci!"
Which means:
"Thank you for this site which is a reference for retro-gamers and a source of invaluable data to revive our old machines. The only thing missing was your site that can connect it directly from the homepage. So here, I love your site and long life it has!"
Thanks a bunch Ben. Appreciate it, and I'm not even the webmaster. ;3