Did you know that those Amiga Computing coverdisks (1991-1993) contain a loading bug virus as it comes as a regular pack or adf files? Well if you notice that your Amiga loading the AC coverdisks slowly on the main load up, then it's because that is having trouble loading in cylinder 50.
How did you fix this? Simply use Virus Checker v6.28 software and scan the virus on the assigned disk drive to remove the virus but you need to make the disk WRITE-ENABLED. You can get the VC v6.28 in Amiga Format 51 subscriber disk C but you can ONLY load it up with using the Workbench disk then insert the Amiga Format 51C disk afterwards. Then double click on the AF coverdisk then go to the Virus Checker folder and hey presto. Then once you opened VC program, make sure you click on the bar then hold down right click then select SADDAM DAMAGE SCAN then select the disk drive where your bugged disk needs fixed and bang it's gone after it scans the cylinders all the way to 79. However, the other versions of Virus Checkers such as ones found in CU Amiga Coverdisk 38 or Amiga Computing Coverdisk 36 maybe not be compatible with the common Kickstart v1.X A500s as most of them are compatible with A500+ or for Amiga OS Kickstart v2.0 or higher. However if you are collecters and don't want your TOSEC organiser utility to fail to pick up the existing PD disks etc, please remember to back it up and double check that all your adf files are write-protected.
It's not just Amiga Computing Coverdisks it could be any Workbench bootable disks similar to Amiga Computing coverdisks or any other Public Domain disks. So keep your eyes open!
Thanks for reading!