GameFreak50 wrote:Sorry to bump an old thread, but I've seen a couple articles where Windows 10 runs games better than on previous versions of windows. Since DirectX 12 is supposed to be a lower-level API, but with the recent release of Vulkan, this could change things for older versions of windows, I'm on Win 7, I'm wondering if games do run better and faster and take less resources when running on Windows 10?
So far I'm noticing better framerates in games I was playing on Win7, but not by a landslide. I was getting 104 in Crysis 2 in Win7, and on the same card before I upgraded I was holding around 112 in Win10 without changing the GPU drivers, etc. So, while it's there it's not
needed to upgrade just for better performance. Where Win10 does shine is boot time, time loading folders and files, etc. All that blows the doors of Win7 for me with the same hardware. So, I would happily recommend Win10. Plus, after the upgrade you're given like 30 days or something to downgrade back no strings attached if you don't like Win10. I do highly recommend Start10 though (from StarDock), as it replaces the slightly gimped Win10 start menu with the Win7 start menu. So much better.