When I was young my mother had 2 tv console, 70's pong like stuff. Now I want those back. Don't know what happened to those, but nowadays whit ebay it must be easy to get those back.
So I googled and I found one "Intel TV Sports 4010"
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. (fun information.. this is not The Intel Corporation but stand for Interelectric, a German company
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] /edit after some more searching on the interwebs... it could also be a Hanimex TVG 8610
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But I was unable to find the second one. I remember it had 2 numeric blocks fixed on the console. Mostly looks like the Mustang 9016
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. Well actually, it were exactly those number blocks, but the console was different. So I searched for other Mustang consoles, but unfortunately didn't found any. So it must have been another company who uses these number blocks. I also remember some buttons in the middle, and it had little less round edges. Had some build in games and a (don't know how to call it) maybe Demo mode were you see lots of colours on the TV and you could manipulate it by pressing some of the buttons (every button has a different colour than).
I life in Germany. So it could be a German clone or distribution of another machine.