The machine is done, wires packed neatly away, running without error, coin door installed. Front bezel and light bezel are currently a stopgap but I need my garage back now that its cold. This will give me a chance to design cool stuff for both anyway. Now I get to enjoy the fruits of my labor!
So for the sake of a time line lets just toss in the fact I did prime the cabinet.
Then I painted it... there is none more black
as you can see it still had issues .....
stopgap installed
coin door installed
and master arm installed
here in the open position (you can kinda see the green glow on the rim)
The camera makes them look vastly different in color but they aren't and the green glow on the power button is pretty bright.
I will post a bit more and full instructions and tips here as the days go by. I will never be done with this and it will evolve. Right now its time for me to clean up my mess and get everything back to normal and .... of course play some arcade games!