NJ, USA: Selling vintage/retro computer collection w/extras

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Re: NJ, USA: Selling vintage/retro computer collection w/ex

Postby crustyasp46 » Sat Jun 08, 2013 5:55 pm

Am ecstatic that you have found someone to help you inventory and sort " The Collection" . Although it does leave me a bit down in the mouth and very green with envy. Not that I begrudge another the collection, but envy because I can not be there to see the original items as they are stored at present. That feeling when seeing it as it is, in all its glory is unexplainable, just leaves me with a great feeling of awe and admiration.

I just wish you the very best of luck with it, and am most hopeful that you are treated fairly.

I am sure most of us here will await the pictures you are able to send with bated breath. And thank you for keeping us updated to the status of your progress. :thankyou: :goodpost: :D :mrgreen:
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Re: NJ, USA: Selling vintage/retro computer collection w/ex

Postby summerdaysands » Sun Jun 09, 2013 4:47 am

Wow. Evan K. (president of MARCH) was *epic.* When he called and said he actually wanted to come down *today* I was expecting him to pop in and give things a cursory once-over (like the auctioneers, who poked around the visible stuff in the front and declared it all not even worth auctioning, or recommended I pay to take it to the dump), so the amount of time and effort he invested (7 loooong hours) was really, truly shocking.

I really can't remember most of the things that were in there, but one of the Lisas showed up, as did a bunch of Compaq(sp?) somewhat-portable-but-still-not-a-laptop things in bags and in many flavors, a Commodore... Vic 20, maybe...? Radio Shack stuff, Tandy stuff (which might be the same thing--I think the TRS 80 had Tandy and Radio Shack on it), more Apple things than I could shake a stick at (IIs, and many variations thereof) a Rainbow something-or-other, a British portable thingy in a bag (hey, I'm pretty sure it started with an A.... Or was it an E...? I am probably getting confused with the Emerson or Epson stuff, or whatever). So, there was KPro stuff, Franklin stuff (Ace 1000...?), a couple somethings cutely dubbed "CoCo"s, and a whole lot more that I can't recall right now.

I can, however, say without reservation that Sun does not make anything that weighs less than a soaking wet king-size comforter, and it's all just as awkward to move. Sun monitor? Huge and heavy. Sparc stations? Huge and even heavier. Even the little external drive looking things were like shifting cinder blocks. Evan moved a LOT of incredibly heavy stuff--a good bit of which was personal stuff, too, which he kindly sorted out to clear the way for the good stuff.

I'll try to load some pics tomorrow--it's way late and I don't know how to do that here, so it'll have to wait.

Big, huge public Thank You to EvanK for going above and beyond the call of duty. Cheers!
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Re: NJ, USA: Selling vintage/retro computer collection w/ex

Postby Hot Trout » Mon Jun 10, 2013 4:27 pm

Please make sure you get what it is worth. If you are concerned, post the images or list here and I will price the main parts. Don't be giving away computers like the Apple Lisa as they are very sought after and the last good condition one went on eBay for over $12,000.

Please do provide images if at all possible.
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Re: NJ, USA: Selling vintage/retro computer collection w/ex

Postby TheGarrison89 » Sun Jun 16, 2013 1:33 pm

Yes, if images are possible that would be great! Aside from helping you identify and price some items, we'd all love to see them!

Best of luck selling his collection, let's all hope they get put to good use.
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