JAHGoVeg wrote: I assume that your just starting out. So really I wouldn't recommend Ubuntu you see ubuntu puts itself out to be so easy that a monkey could use it, provided it had training first. And really it's not easy to use if your a total begginer.
What? Here's where I have to differ JAHGoVeg, but Ubuntu is the only copy of linux that "Just works right out of the box." Linux Mint may be based on ubuntu, but wouldn't it be easier to run the parent OS before choosing a dirivitive of one? I've never personally used LinuxMint but I have test drove Ubuntu and it does "Just work right out of the box." I will give my friend a call and ask him exactly the diff between Ubuntu, Fedora, and LinuxMint and get the straight low-down on them. Which is best for beginners and which isn't. He's the resident Linux expert, I've never met anyone that knows more about linux than him. He even makes his own distros of linux, so he'd know. And he suggests Ubuntu for complete noobs with Linux (No offense Gamefrkl or Crusty). So I'd suggest the same. Here's a suggestion for you Gamefrkl, Google. Look up both LinuxMint and Ubuntu and find out which one the users say is better for someone who doesn't know a thing about Linux. Personally, if I were to suggest a distro of linux that I've used and like, it's Fedora. BUT, don't use fedora if you don't know anything about Linux. You'll spend more time on google than you ever have in your life, trust me. I dove right into fedora not knowing a thing about Linux at all. Had to keep checking google and calling my friend for help on how to do something...
Anyway, if you go with LinuxMint at least get the Gnome desktop version. It at least looks like it would feel like windows. KDE isn't bad, but Gnome is extremely user friendly. Last bit I'm gonna say for now though, as I need to get to bed for work in the morning. X3