So for the last day I've been trying to connect to netflix but it's just not having it. It's really starting to piss me off. It gets past the red screen but when it gets to the grey screen where its loading movies it just goes "Unable to connect to netflix. Please try again later. If the problem persists please go to for help." or something like that. Yea, that site really fucking helped netflix, thanks. I've also spent my day with repeated calls to both nintendo and netflix to no avail... so long story short I can't watch netflix on my 3DS when I lay down for bed like I always do... This issue has been affecting me for the past two days and it's really getting under my skin. Sad thing is, my friend's account worked perfectly without a hitch, multiple times... but my account won't let me login... wtf netflix/nintendo...
Anyone have any ideas? I've tried everything both nintendo and netflix had to offer help-wise... This is just complete and total bullshit... Dafuq... >.>'