Anybody who has read my introducing myself knows I am 64 years, May 19, 1946. Grandfather to seventeen, great grandfather to 3. father to six great kids.
Just reading all the posts and the ones most fascinating to me are those related to technology as it has fascinated me all my life. I grew up in a small town in Northern Ontario. a place called Garson, a mining town. Where I lived there was no electricity and the only technology we had at home was a radio. It wasn't even a battery radio as my Dad had to put a powder in the back of it about once a month and if I remember correctly, there were two or three copper rods in the box that had to be cleaned before the powder was put in. We listened to the radio every evening at 6:pm for the news and Friday nights at 7:pm until 8:30 to old time radio shows, and Saturday nights we listened to the hockey game. When I was 7 or 8 I discovered crystal radios, these you made your self and for an antenna you connected a wire from the radio to the barb wire fence, and they only worked well at night. I would lay in bed and try to find radio stations far away. I remember listening to radio stations in Detroit and Boston 400 t0 500 miles away.
My point is that I am just learning to use the computer and I love gaming, but things are just progressing too quickly for me to keep up. I envy the younger generation for their knowledge and understanding of the new technology, but I also hope they acknowledge and preserve the past technology as well. Because the pioneers of the past helped forge what is here today.
Have a great day everyone, and please help keep this site viable, vibrant, and a great place to visit for your favorite rom or emulator.