Thanks! I just downloaded "Bullet Candy Perfect" and "Irukandji". I haven't played them yet, but they look to be right up my alley. I was blown away that I could get them both for $2. I know I should have donated more, but I just had $25 bucks that I wanted to squeeze every penny out of. I'm cheap, I know.
Besides those, I also bought Geometry Wars, Braid, Deus Ex, and Deus Ex: Invisible War all on Steam. The Deus Ex games were going at 75% off ($2.50 each) yesterday for the series 10th birthday. I love Steam and their crazy ass sales. I never played the Deus Ex games (I still wasn't too much of a PC gamer when the first came out), though I have been aware of their legendary status. I'm sure I'm in for a treat.
Sorry for going off topic.
*Edit*: HT, so I see you are around the top of the Irukandji scoreboards for many of the ships!