I'm having no luck at all getting these Roms to work with the latest version of Mame 0163 64 bit command line. I've downloaded these roms from every rom site I can think off and no matter what every time I go to load them up I get invalid rom path or missing rom message. These roms play fine on Mame32, but I want to get rid of that version of Mame because I prefere the command line version of Mame.
Here's the roms I'm trying to get to work with Mame 0163 64 bit command line:
Super street fighter 2 the new challengers (world 930911)
super street fighter 2 turbo (world 940223)
Marvel super heroes (euro 9511024)
king of fighter 98 slugfest
X-men vs street fighter (euro 961004)
X-men children of atom (euro 950105)
real bout fatal fury
Street fighter alpha 2 (usa 960306
Street fighter alpha 3 (usa 980904