Honestly, id get DBox, because it pretty much does all the hard stuff for you in DOSBox.
So download this instead:
dBox EmulatorThen install it. Once youve installed run it.
When you first open it click on the Gear near the top and choose "preferences"
In the box that says "Path to DosBox" choose browse (the little folder at the end) and navigate to C:\Program Files\D-Box\Dosbox (or wherever you installed DBox) and double click "dosbox.exe"
Go ahead and close preferences now.
Next, choose the little box with the cd and choose New Game
Name the game and browse to where the .exe file is for the game (either Warcraft or Doom) and click "ok" at the bottom.
Finally, all you have to do is double click the title of the game that you just made and it should load up