Captain Planet NES ROMs

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Captain Planet NES ROMs

Postby billny33 » Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:06 am

I've had this problem with every Captain Planet ROM I have ever downloaded for the NES. The intro-credits screens cycle through and no button or combination of buttons actually start the game. It is forever looped into the title screen-credits-demo. Why does this happen? Is there anything that can fix this or any ROM I can download that doesn't act like this? For the record my NES Emulator is NesterJ. I don't know of any other emulator I can really tolerate playing on so I'd really rather not have to switch to a diff emulator just to play this game right, although I'd be curious to know if it only acts like this on NesterJ.
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Re: Captain Planet NES ROMs

Postby Jesse » Fri Jul 30, 2010 2:52 pm

You say you can't tolerate to use anything other than NesterJ? Why is that? There are overall better emulators.

I just tried the game on FCEUX 2.1.4a and it worked fine.

Use a different emulator. Perhaps FCEUX or Nestopia or Jnes. I think those are generally considered the best these days. Though they may run slow if your PC is really old or crappy.

Also, I think there is a better version of NesterJ with higher compatibility called NNNesterJ. Check out this page. ... do/NES/WIN
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Re: Captain Planet NES ROMs

Postby The Shadow Dragon » Sat Jul 31, 2010 3:14 am

Jnes and Nestopia are the best overall in my opinion, I have never had a problem with either.
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Re: Captain Planet NES ROMs

Postby billny33 » Mon Aug 02, 2010 6:15 am

I mean I could try another emulator but all my other games work fine on NesterJ so I hate the idea of changing emulators to play one game that may still not work on the other emulator. I tried JNes and it expects me to make the arrow keys the directional pad. Can't do that. I need the directional pad to be at the far left of my keyboard just like on a real NES controller. W - Up, A - left, S - right, Z - down. See what I'm getting at? I like my B and A buttons as the down and right arrow keys which are on the right of the keyboard. Start is the spacebar and select is the B key right above it. These controls come very naturally to me and I really can't have it any other way. NESticle I tried but it forces you to use fullscreen and then I never figured out a way to get any sound. NesterJ lets me configure it that way and the size of the screen when doubled seems just right. I don't have any complaints about it and I really don't know if the Captain Planet issue has anything to do with NesterJ or not.

Anyway all that's beside the point. Does anyone have any explanation to the captain planet glitch I mentioned and how to fix that?
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Re: Captain Planet NES ROMs

Postby Hot Trout » Mon Aug 02, 2010 10:41 am

Unfortunatly it is the nature of Emulators that they never really cover everything. The only way you might get this to work is by using enother emulators just for that game. This is something that I have had to do over the years.
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Re: Captain Planet NES ROMs

Postby Jesse » Mon Aug 02, 2010 3:55 pm

Wha? I'm playing the Captain Planet game using Jnes v1.0.2 at the moment, and I can use whatever keyboard key for whatever button I like.

Anyway, I would just buy a USB gamepad controller. Surely you would feel more comfortable using an actual gamepad for such games, as they were intended, and as you remember them. I don't see how you can stand playing NES games with a keyboard.

I would just get rid of NesterJ, get a gamepad, and start using one of the better/more accurate/more compatible/more feature-rich emulators already mentioned here.

As for the question of what is specifically wrong with NesterJ to cause the Captain Planet ROM to behave in such a way; we have no idea.
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Re: Captain Planet NES ROMs

Postby billny33 » Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:49 am

Well Jesse I have an archaic version of Jnes (v0.26) so perhaps more recent versions have fixed the glitch I mentioned. Thanks for the tip I will go check out that version of Jnes and try captain planet on that one.

Many have advised me to do this but by turning the keyboard into a giant NES controller with the design I told you about, somehow my fingers picked it up intuitively. I am just about 100 percent as good on my keyboard as I would be with a controller. The only exception to this is Sega Genesis fighting games that would normally be enhanced by the six button controller like street fighter 2.

it worked!!! :D yay! thanks Jesse. the new Jnes is great, hadnt thought to check for updated versions, guess I lack common sense. so yes captain planet inexplicably will not respond to any buttons you press on NesterJ but works fine on a Jnes and yes i can program the keys any way I want so no problems there. Now I can finally play this game for the first time in like 14-15 years since I owned the console game. I know most people hate it but I loved the challenge and the variety of objectives. I've never been so happy to hear such awful game music lol

I have funny memories of being like 11 and having a friend over and giving him the controller to try beating one of the planeteer levels and yelling at him not to screw up so much when he died, not realizing how hard the game was since I played it all the time. I think I scared them away after a while lol.

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Re: Captain Planet NES ROMs

Postby Hot Trout » Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:19 am

Im glad you got this working, its always good to hear a forum member enjoying an old game again. Also thanks Jesse.
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Re: Captain Planet NES ROMs

Postby billny33 » Thu Aug 19, 2010 3:33 am

Now there's a new problem. The ROMs for Captain Planet all seem to have the same flaw in them even in the JNes I downloaded. The planeteer levels are fine. The captain planet levels glitch badly. The surroundings often flash and change around you into an area just ahead of you or just behind you so half the time everything around you is an illusion. You can see where you really are by hitting pause, but I know this shouldn't be happening. I actually beat level 1-2 despite this but 2-2 is too much for me.

Now having downloaded this ROM many times prior looking for one that did not have the title screen glitch I looked through all of them on JNes and they all worked fine at the title screen but they all had this glitch in the Captain Planet levels. So does anyone know of or have a copy of this ROM that does not have this glitch?
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Re: Captain Planet NES ROMs

Postby Guest » Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:45 am

This is my copy. I tested it just now with FCEU Ultra v0.81. The .nes rom was from the original site before it had its overhaul. Possibly something corrupted that image? But I doubt it. Let us know what happens when you run this rom because I for sure tested it and its working fine, even on the captain planet levels.

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