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Favorite console per generation.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 3:08 am
by SE7EN
list per generation which console you liked best.

1st. N/A
2nd. Atari 2600
3rd. Nintendo Entertainment System
4th. Super NES
5th. Nintendo 64
6th. Playstation 2
7th. Playstation 3

Re: Favorite console per generation.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 6:21 am
by gamfrkI
1st. Magnavox Odyssey
2nd. Atari 2600-5200 and Intellivision
3rd. Nintendo Entertainment System
4th. Super NES
5th. Nintendo 64
6th. Playstation 2
7th. Wii
8th. 3DS

Re: Favorite console per generation.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:07 am
by Kherr
1st: N/A
2nd: Atari Super 2600
3rd: Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
4th: Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)
5th: Sony Playstation
6th: Xbox
7th: Xbox 360

And that's my console list.

In reality, it really goes:

1st: N/A
2nd - 8th: PC



Re: Favorite console per generation.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:50 pm
by crustyasp46
1st : Pong
2nd : Odyssey
3rd :Atari 2600
4th : Colecovision
5th : Playstation / Playstation2
6th : XBox ( Just for the fact I recently purchased a system with emulators and games pre-installed)

More modern consoles have no interest for me, too many thumbs, and reflexes too slow. :shh:

But my real joy comes from typing a game from an old magazine, and then playing it, or trying to correct it if it does not work. My second childhood has arrived :!: :tongue:

Re: Favorite console per generation.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 2:30 pm
by mirkomick
I go by the ones I had (or my family)

1st. Pong
2nd. Atari 2600
3rd. - but instead 3rd Amstrad CPC
4th. - but instead 4th Intel 486
5th. Nintendo 64 (still using PCs though)
6th. - but instead Pentium 2/Pentium4
7th. Wii
8th. 3DS

Yes, you can't put the computers into the console generations but you get the point :-)

Re: Favorite console per generation.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:04 pm
by Hot Trout
WOW, I could make many lists so I will go with Ones I owned first time round

1st. Intelivision Pong
2nd. Atari 2600 Woodgrain / Nintendo Game & Watch
3rd. Colecovision / Spectrum 48k
4th. Commodore 64
5th. Amiga A500 / 286 Intel PC / Sega Game Gear
6th. Amiga 1200 / 486 DX2-66 / Nintendo GameBoy
7th. PlayStation 1 / P90 Intel
8th. AMD X2
9th. PlayStation 3 / Quad Core Q6600/ DS Lite
Current : PlayStation 3 / i7

Re: Favorite console per generation.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:54 pm
by Dragon Mech
here is my list of favorite systems.

1st. N/A
2nd. N/A
3rd. Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
4th. Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) (2nd place: Sega Genesis :D )
5th. Playstation ( R U E? *) (2nd place: Nintendo 64, 3rd place: GameBoy Color)
6th. Playstation 2 (2nd place: Gameboy Advance)
7th. N/A
8th. N/A

* the "R U E? " is from part of the ad campaign that Sony used to announce the launch date of the Playstation Experimental (PSX). it is ment to be read as " Are You Red E? (Ready) "

Re: Favorite console per generation.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 9:07 am
by PMJPlay
1st - Pong
2nd - Atari 2600
3rd - NES
4th - SNES
5th - N64
6th - Dreamcast/Gamecube
7th - PS2
8th - Xbox 360 (1st Gen)
9th - Wii U