The site's stats widget thing...
Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:57 am
I've noticed that the site stats widget that counts how big our database is, how many roms we have, how many downloads in the last week, etc etc etc does NOT update often enough. I KNOW that we have more than ALL of it's stats. Is there a way to make this a real-time box (or at least daily/weekly) instead of just manually updated whenever...? I usually use it's information to tell everyone I tell about the site as to why they should join, if they're interested that is. If it's not accurate, then I'm not giving out accurate information... which is a major drag. We really should make it auto-update daily, or at least weekly. That would be nice. Plus I'm always curious to see what our numbers have gone up to, only to find out that the stats widget/box hasn't updated in a month or two...