Sort/Search games by design company and genre
Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:12 pm
This would simply be the most effective way for forgetful and explorative gamers to find old or new games, as nothing says so much about playability, style, difficulty, budget, and so forth as that little logo on the package. E.g. all 8-bit Jaleco games are worth a look, while Konami was dormant in American quality throughout the 16-bit era; Sega's own productions were always head and shoulders above 3rd party games for their systems, and Rare was the highlight of the N64. Certain companies obviously had their niches, but a less obvious advantage would be separating licensing change-overs, eg Disney's going from Capcom to the generally inferior Virgin. Very professional inclusions would be mergers (where'd Arena go?) and profiles, which along with the above mentioned--stuff that chiefly applies to dead systems--would help us avoid lemons: nobody wants to spend 10 hours digging up an old rpg only to find it was made by Squaresoft and is just some fraction of a FF retread, or buy a new sports game developed from EA models. The genre suggestion requires no expansion other than that it be cross-system. Thanks for reading a long post.