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PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 1:15 pm
by Kherr
Well, I guess I'll share with you all my work schedule... (Everything is GMT -5, Eastern Time USA since I live in Detroit, MI)

Night Shift

Sunday: 5pm - 5am
Monday: 5pm - 5am
Tuesday: 5pm - 5am
Wednesday: 5pm - 5am
Thursday: Off
Friday: 5pm - 5am
Saturday: 5pm - 5am

Total Hours Per Week: 72

I work my arse off... and I'm not too happy about it... so there you have it... (I'm heading to bed now since it's 8:15am when I finished this post...)

Re: Work...

PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 7:22 am
by Guest
haha wow that is rediclious Kherr!
Where exactly do you work cause thats pretty rediclious.

Since you were formal enough to show your schedule ill share mine just for the heck of it

Part Time Shift (lol)

Sun: 1:30m to 10:30pm
Mon: No work, use this time for college classes and online homework
Tue: 4:30pm to 10:30 om
Wed: No work, use this time for college classes and online homework
Thur: 4:30pm to 10:30pm
Fri: 4:30pm to 10:30pm
Sat: No work, finally a day to relax but still have to keep up on homework and sometimes go out with friends.

Total: 27 OMG!
Well the only way i can possibly compare to Kherr is that 27 is the reverse of 72

Im also a full time student and have classes every day in the morning. bummer but its life

Re: Work...

PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 10:56 am
by Kherr
Well being a full time student you can't have the amount of hours I do, but if you include amount of time spent on work for class, it'd probably match up to mine, if not surpass it. :D

Re: Work...

PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:02 am
by Hot Trout
Try running your own IT company, keeping a young family and running this site. Its 24/7 :roll:

Re: Work...

PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:06 am
by Kherr
Well, I plan on running my own business someday, but for now I can't. I plan on opening 4 shops in one building... Coffee shop in the immediate entrance, video game store in the middle right, tobacco shop in the middle left, and computer repair in the back. Come in for computer repair, get a loner laptop for inside use (over the Wi-Fi Network, free of course) while you wait for your computer to be repaired, also comes with free coffee as well. Everything else for all your technological needs involving computers and games, and why not get a pack of cigarettes on the way out (as cheaply as I can price them while still turning a profit, hopefully cheaper than anyone else in the area)? This is a great concept, but I have to refine it yet. >.> I plan on titling my business "The Dragon's Den." What you think HT?

But yea, you sound like you're swamped... :D

Re: Work...

PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 3:44 am
by crustyasp46
I am retired, on a disability pension in Good old Canada, But i keep pretty active, around home, do a little mechanical work, some welding, fix small engines, do odds and sods for some of the folks around here, just this and that to supplement the income a bit, spend a lot of time with the grandkids.
The wife says I am a gogetter, found her a job, take her to work, gogetter! Seriously I really am enjoying the retirement, as I do what I like to do, at my own speed, with only myself as boss, unless the wife is cracking the whip! :oops:

Re: Work...

PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:37 am
by Hot Trout

That sounds like the introduction to Gran Torino :lol: :lol:

Have you any guns :mrgreen: