Shellshock bug in Bash for Unix systems

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Shellshock bug in Bash for Unix systems

Postby Kherr » Sat Sep 27, 2014 8:49 pm


By now you may have heard about a new bug found in the Bash shell. And unless you're a programmer or security expert, you're probably wondering if you should really worry. The short answer is: Don't panic, but you should definitely learn more about it, because you may be in contact with vulnerable devices.

This bug, baptized "Shellshock" by Security Researchers, affects the Unix command shell "Bash," which happens to be one of the most common applications in those systems. That includes any machine running Mac OS X or Linux. The "shell" or "command prompt" is a piece of software that allows a computer to interact with the outside (you) by interpreting text. This vulnerability affects the shell known as Bash (Bourne Again SHell), which is installed not only on computers, but also on many devices (smart locks, cameras, storage and multimedia appliances, etc.) that use a subset of Linux.

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What do you guys think on this? Like... holy crap... :sick:
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Re: Shellshock bug in Bash for Unix systems

Postby alexsmith789 » Mon Mar 25, 2019 6:06 am

When I tried to open the shellshock in the Bash suddenly in my Unix system, lenovo screen flicker started and I was unable to see anything in the screen. Please help me to fix the problem.
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