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Best Name For An 'Retro' Shop

PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 9:45 pm
by RichardH
Hi everyone!

Im thinking of opening a shop selling old games and systems. I hate the word 'retro' which is inevitably linked with old games. I cant think of a good name for my shop, but would love any help finding one. I would really like it to have some link/pun/resembelance with Pac-Man.

Would anyone be kind enough to help me choose a good name?

Thanks for any ideas.


Re: Best Name For An 'Retro' Shop

PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 12:38 am
by crustyasp46
OK, Not the greatest, but we have to start somewhere right?

Pac Mans' Fossilized Gamester Emporium

My Idea was go to an online thesaurus, take your key words.... retro, shop, games, and give the idea of old without using retro. games again without actually using retro, and shop with something implying old and retro. Pac Man has me stumped. I am sure there are more inventive minds to help you than mine.

Good luck with your venture. :good:

Edit : Grandson says if you use a pic in your signage, Have Pac Man on game maze eating fossilized systems.
Another says have Pac Man emerging from old treasure box of fossilized systems. And I quit now because they are calling me fossilized and rinky dink, another term for retro. :headbang:

:anyone: else?

Re: Best Name For An 'Retro' Shop

PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 9:58 am
by PMJPlay
Game Flip?

Re: Best Name For An 'Retro' Shop

PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 10:20 am
by Hot Trout (this is mine)


Cool idea and good luck with it.

Re: Best Name For An 'Retro' Shop

PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 5:55 pm
by RichardH
Thanks for the ideas guys!like the idea of pacman's fossils! and the ideas for signage. thanks again guys, very kind


Re: Best Name For An 'Retro' Shop

PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 10:34 pm
by crustyasp46
RichardH wrote:Thanks for the ideas guys!like the idea of pacman's fossils! and the ideas for signage. thanks again guys, very kind


Keep us posted, when and if you open your shop, and the name of it, please. And the best of luck if you venture forward. :cheers:

Re: Best Name For An 'Retro' Shop

PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 12:13 am
by Kherr
crustyasp46 wrote:
RichardH wrote:Thanks for the ideas guys!like the idea of pacman's fossils! and the ideas for signage. thanks again guys, very kind


Keep us posted, when and if you open your shop, and the name of it, please. And the best of luck if you venture forward. :cheers:

Ditto. :)