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Game: Corrupt a wish

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:28 pm
by Artemis
This is a game that I used to play on another forum, and I think is a lot of fun. Basically one person posts a wish, it can be anything, and the person who posts after them "corrupts" that wish.


Wish: I wish I could have the cutest puppy in the world.

Failed wish: The cutest puppy in the world shows up on your doorstep the next morning. But little do you know, three blocks away some little kid is crying because he lost his puppy.

The poster then posts their wish, and the following person corrupts it. =)


1. No swearing.
2. No insulting.
3. No sexual references- AT ALL.
4. Remember this is a PG-13 (at the worst) site.
5. Avoid using wishes/corruptions that have already been used.
6. Quote the wish above you to make things less confusing.
7. Be as creative as possible (they don't always have to have tragic consequences, just unanticipated results).

So then, I'll start!

I wish for a million dollars. =)

Re: Game: Corrupt a wish

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:36 pm
by crustyasp46
Failed wish: You receive your million dollars, and from pangs of remorse hearing TOC needed financial help you donate it all :shock:

Wish: I wish I had each and every retro game system complete with all games (sigh) :)

Re: Game: Corrupt a wish

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:38 pm
by Artemis
Failed wish: You get all the retro game systems and games, but you come to realize that they are just non-functional displays.

Wish: I wish I had a cheese wheel.

Re: Game: Corrupt a wish

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 12:07 am
by Guest
Artemis wrote:Wish: I wish I had a cheese wheel.

Failed Wish: You dont get your cheese wheel. At all :twisted:

Wish: I wish my new Droid X phone would be delivered sooner! Still waiting (but should be this week)

Re: Game: Corrupt a wish

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:02 am
by Artemis
Guest wrote:Failed Wish: You dont get your cheese wheel. At all :twisted:

Wish: I wish my new Droid X phone would be delivered sooner! Still waiting (but should be this week)

Failed wish: Your phone gets delivered to me instead.

Wish: I wish I had a ferret

Re: Game: Corrupt a wish

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:06 am
by Guest
Artemis wrote:Wish: I wish I had a ferret

Failed Wish: Your ferret has no tail and thus is only considered vermin

Wish: Wish I had more dvd cases.. Random I know

Re: Game: Corrupt a wish

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:14 am
by Hot Trout
Wish: Wish I had more dvd cases.. Random I know

Failed Wish : You receive an infinate supply of DVD cases ...... just after DVD is made redundant and you start to replace your collection with Green Ray or some other crazy future disk medium :?:

Wish : I wish I had a suit made from live bees.

Re: Game: Corrupt a wish

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:29 pm
by Artemis
Wish : I wish I had a suit made from live bees.

Failed wish: You get your suit of bees... But someone is smoking near you and blows smoke on the bees, therefor pissing them off. Bad thigns happen.

Wish: I wish I was able to fly.

Re: Game: Corrupt a wish

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:02 pm
by Guest
Artemis wrote:Wish: I wish I was able to fly.

Failed Wish: The only possible time that you would ever be able to fly would be in the future. So fast forward time....... Now its the future and you can fly. Upon taking off for the first time you zoom upwards. Soaring high up. Above the clouds. Higher, and even higher. Seems like your going to space. Still going up. Further. Uhh ohh. You never learned how to go any other direction other than up because you have to pay extra for that. Better luck next time.

Wish: I wish I had a longer summer vacation.

Re: Game: Corrupt a wish

PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 4:07 pm
by Artemis
Failed wish: You get a longer vacation, but unfortunatly, you trip and fall and you go into a coma for most of it.

Wish: I wish I could go to the movies.