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PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:19 am
by GozmitJosh
Anyone here ever had an injury? Something more than a bruise? Last December i was playing football with my family at a christmas party in the street as they dont have a big enough driveway and its kinda a dead end street. About 5 minutes into the game i fumbled the ball and dove after it...twice. Both times landed straight on my right shoulder with not only my weight but also my dads weight. We both weigh about ~120-130 pounds. I got up and my arm felt extremely sore....but i was a MAN 8-) and just walked it off and kept playing for another 4-5 hours. Well that was a saturday...and sunday i go to work...Eeep!

Well lets say when i started work i only lasted one hour before i had to pull aside my managers and write up a medical leave paper and go see a doctor. Looks like i have torn a few muscles, my shoulders are now uneven. My right shoulder is a few inches lower than my left and i get burning and aching feeling all day long. To give an example here is a picture My shoulders look just like MJ's does right now. Pain meds do crap only but that may be just because i have a high tolerance to pills and such like that and i use an ice pack until my shoulder is ice cold then i can work really without any pain but that wears off within 30 minutes. I had an x-ray done which showed nothing. Next up is an MRI which hopefully should show something with my muscles as i have a muscle that is missing....yes missing! LOL Also my right neck muscle...the one above your collar bone is moved on me and my right shoulder blade is now lowered as well.

But you know what....i won that football game! ;)

Re: Injury

PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:00 pm
by Hot Trout
Sh1t dude, that will most likely give you trouble more the older you get. I know, I have had many injuries off of trials bikes when I was younger and now I am paying the price.

Hope you mend properly.

Re: Injury

PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:41 pm
by Kherr
I guess winning is all that matters, at any cost right? :3

<insert cliched get well soon comment here>

SUCK IT UP! :lol:

Seriously, get better bro. Uneven shoulders... that sucks. >.>'

Re: Injury

PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:48 pm
by PMJPlay
I had a saw go through my right index finger :P
and I had a few kidney stones when I was younger. I am glad I didnt get rid of the hard way :P

Re: Injury

PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 7:44 pm
by te_lanus
Yip, know injuries well enough. Have enough scars to prove it. for one "scar" I spent 7 weeks in hospital when I was 5.


pmjp wrote:I had a saw go through my right index finger :P
I've met the meat-saw quite a few times with my fingers, and spend a few weeks of work because of it. (worked as a butcher for a year or 4)

Re: Injury

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 1:02 am
by GozmitJosh

MRI results came back and show i MIGHT have multiple tears on the back side of my shoulder "SLAP Labral tear(s)" only the symptoms i have and what functions and movement i can do don't match what the MRI shows. He says if the MRI is true i should not be able to move my arm in a certain way that i can now. So either i go in for surgery and be out in bed for at least 4-6 months healing unable to lift anything or i see if it heals by itself, and the longer i wait the worse things may get.

Plus he said since my symptoms dont match the MRI results there is a chance they go in and find no tears there and its just a waste of time and effort.

Oh and i have 3 months to be 100% again or work may fire me :(

Re: Injury

PostPosted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 5:15 am
by Kherr
My dad just went through that same thing, but only for his knee... and spent 3 and a half months out of work before they said, either come back next week or your fired type thing... So I can understand how you're feeling right now. I've had to deal with my father for the last 3 and a half months... so yea... I understand...

In case you haven't noticed, I really don't know what to say other than I hope things work out for you in the end bro. :hi: