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Creating a Website

PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 7:20 pm
by fanman93
Man, installing a brand new phpBB3 forum via FTP takes forever! :wtf: I'm currently attempting to create a website for the podcast I'm in, and I thought, hey, a forum could be awesome! What I didn't know was that I'm most likely going to have to learn to script PHP on my own, because templates look TERRIBLE.

Anybody else have stories of building their first real website? HT, you probably have a few. :geek:

Re: Creating a Website

PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:07 am
by Hot Trout
My first real attempt at a website was in 1997, it was static and contained more 'under construction' gif images that content. I started this site in 1999 and used dreamweaver to put it together. I have learnt a lot over the years and still know just a little. Good web design and coding is a real skill and i have respect for anyone that can do it well.

It is also very creative and very rewarding when people start to use your site. The site is just code, its the people you meet when they use it that makes it worthwhile. TOC is nothing without you guys. :hi:

Re: Creating a Website

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 2:37 am
by fanman93
Hot Trout wrote:It is also very creative and very rewarding when people start to use your site. The site is just code, its the people you meet when they use it that makes it worthwhile. TOC is nothing without you guys. :hi:

Nice of you to say so! :D I personally love the site, and am starting to get right into the forums here... People seem friendlier and more relaxed than say, the Beta Archive forums. Maybe that's because BA has thousands of people on it, and it just feels impersonal. I think you have a regular in me! :typing:

As an aside, my forum is finally set up. The main part of the website was hacked yesterday (I find it funny that hackers even want to do stuff like that. :P ), so I simply did a little HTML coding to make the main page redirect to the forum, so I don't have to do as much panicking. Needless to say, free hosting options aren't exactly the best thing ever.