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New Internet Blacklist Bill

PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:00 am
by gamfrkI
New Internet Blacklist Bill Could Shut Down Twitter And Youtube! ... X&rd=1&t=2

A bit of an emergency: The rumor all over Capitol Hill is that the House version of the Internet Blacklist Bill will be introduced this week, probably on Wednesday.

Our allies on the Hill say the bill's so bad that it could effectively destroy Youtube, Twitter, and other sites that rely on user-generated content by making the sites' owners legally responsible for everything their users post.

Nobody will want to take that risk, so sites like Youtube and Twitter could be forced to shut down.

Facebook, Myspace, and Google+ would be at risk. The cyberlocker and streaming provisions could affect your iPhone, Android, AmazonCloud, Pandora, Grooveshark and even your email accounts.

And all of this is being driven by a few major corporations who are trying to protect their private profits.

Will you use the form at right to ask your Congressmember not to cosponsor the legislation, at least until they've heard our concerns? ... X&rd=1&t=2

Re: New Internet Blacklist Bill

PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:28 pm
by Kherr
Again? Goddamnit Gov't. Get the fuck out of our lives. >.>'

This was in my email inbox too. I sent a letter, and shared on twitter and facebook. They need to stop doing this, it's getting old. >.>'

Re: New Internet Blacklist Bill

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:04 am
by HeavyMetalGamer
It is no wonder why I hate are government, but I don't see this bill going through, I mean Google runs Youtube, Google is a big company. I would be quite shocked if it does get shutdown.

Re: New Internet Blacklist Bill

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:01 pm
by Kherr
Yea I would be too, but still, anything is possible... *knocks on wood*
