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The earthquake in Japan...

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:22 pm
by Kherr
For those that think that Japan is getting what they deserve...

Copied from my facebook post:

I better not see anything stupid on my news feed that some of you were thinking that this earthquake shit in Japan is payback for what they did to pearl harbor 70 years ago. Don't forget, we dropped 2 A bombs on Japan. One on Nagasaki and one on Hiroshima. We completely leveled the fucking cities. We killed 200,000+ people in retaliation because they killed 2500 of us. For the first time I'm saying we are RIGHT in devoting money and resources into helping another country instead of taking care of us at home first. For the first time.

And for those that even began to think ANYTHING about it being "karma" just do the rest of us DECENT americans a favour and find a way to kill yourself that in which makes you absolutely disgusted with yourself. It would make the rest of us happy to NOT have our reputation to the rest of the world lowered even more than it already is.

-Rant over-

Take out "my news feed" from the beginning of it and replace with "on here"

Directed at americans. Sometimes I am disgusted to call myself an American let alone a human. >.>'

Re: The earthquake in Japan...

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:28 pm
by crustyasp46
( Sorry missed the "copied from")

I won't see your newsfeed on Facebook, as I cancelled out there. But from what you said above I agree with you. It is a tragedy anytime that a disaster like this happens anywhere in the world. Whether we hold grudges of past grievances of the country where it happens or not, they should be set aside, and help offered to the people affected.

It is not the politicians who are affected, but the common people like each of us. People like us who are just trying to survive, make a living, and raise their families, people like you and I. there s no room for politics and petty hatreds in times like this. An outstretched hand offering help, is a much better approach.

Re: The earthquake in Japan...

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:05 pm
by Hot Trout
Nature has delt some of the people of earth a heavy blow, death, devistation, heart break, missing loved ones to name a few of the horrors. The remaining people of earth should now come to their aid without any hesitation.

Some day in the future we are all going to realise that humans are just a tiny part of the worlds history which is a tiny part or our solar system, which is a tiny part of our galaxy which is just one of many millions of galaxies in the known universe.

That said we did create computers which is kinda cool.

Re: The earthquake in Japan...

PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:58 pm
by crustyasp46
Beating The Odds?

Oldest wild bird in U.S. returns home after tsunami

The oldest known wild bird in the U.S., pictured here with a chick in February 2011, has returned to a remote atoll northwest of the main Hawaiian islands after surviving this month's tsunami.
HONOLULU, HAWAII—The oldest known wild bird in the U.S. has returned to a remote atoll northwest of the main Hawaiian islands after surviving this month's tsunami.

Officials at the Hawaiian and Pacific Islands National Wildlife Refuge Complex, which includes Midway Atoll, said Monday they are thrilled that the Laysan albatross survived the March 11 tsunami. The albatross, named Wisdom, is more than 60 years old.

Complex Project Leader Barry Stieglitz says the survival of the albatross reinforces the importance of breeding adults in the seabird population.

The tsunami generated by the massive earthquake off Japan killed at least 2,000 adult albatross and 110,000 chicks.

Stieglitz says it is "humbling" that the 3.6-kilogram bird is still producing chicks.

Re: The earthquake in Japan...

PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 6:04 pm
by Hot Trout
Thats a cool story. 60 and he has still got it . :clap: