FAQ | FAQ Lists & User Support Links

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FAQ | FAQ Lists & User Support Links

Postby Hot Trout » Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:17 pm

Welcome to the website and forums. This topic is a intended to give you a quick link to all the most common FAQ's, ReadME's and support information that you will need. Below this post is a second post that contains some of the most frequently asked general questions :-

Rules & Guidelines

    Forum Rules
    This is the basic starting place for all new members. Rules have to be followed so make sure you understand what will get you banned and what will get you deleted.

    Zero Tolerance Policy
    This is a short list of the most important rules you must follow. Break these and its all over. Everyone needs to read this short topic.

Membership & Upgrading

Website User Guides

Website News & Updates

    Website Update News
    Want to keep up to date on all the changes and updates to the website and forums. Follow this topic.

    ROM Database Update News
    Want to keep up to date on all the changes and updates to the ROMs database. Follow this topic.

    EMULATOR Database Update News
    Want to keep up to date on all the changes and updates to the EMULATORs database. Follow this topic.

MISC Advice

    How you can help us
    There are many ways you can help us out here and show your support. Read through this guide for lots of ideas.

    Website Disclaimer
    This is our disclaimer, what you need to know about the law, roms and emulation.

    Privacy Policy
    We respect our members privacy a great deal so this is our policy on your privacy at this site.
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Re: FAQ Lists & User Support

Postby Hot Trout » Thu Jun 02, 2016 4:36 pm

The following are some of the most common asked questions :-

Question: How do I RESET my password.

Question: How do I delete my account.

    Answer: In order to have your account fully removed you must send a PM to the forum admin[/url]

Question: I have donated but my account is not Unlimited yet?

    Answer : This is by far the most asked question so please read carefully.

    If you have made a donation by purchasing an item from an associated website then please be patient, although this method is fully automatic and should be immediate, sometimes the returning website can take some time to respond with the details. Please also make sure that your payment method was successful and that you completed all instructions for that website.

    If you made a donation via Bitcoin, then please wait until an administrator manually upgrades your account to Unlimited. This system is not automatic and depends on a human changing your account status. Please do not post in the forums until you have waited at least 24 hours. Please do not send a PM to the admin, instead post in the correct forum.

Question: I have donated successfully, my name is listed in the Hall of Fame, but I am still not able to download from the unlimited sections, why?

    Answer: The most likely reason is because you have not logged out and back into the ROMs or EMULATORs sections. You need to do this to refresh your new status as an Unlimited member. Please do the following: Log out and back into your account to refresh your UNLIMITED status. Do this while in the ROM or EMULATORS sections, not just in the forums.

Question: How Do I Select More Than One File To Download At A Time?

    Answer: The current system does not allow users to select multiple files at a time for download. Users can download more than one file at a time but they must be selected one at a time. To combat this limitation Unlimited members have access to a special folder under each system called SINGLE-DOWNLOAD-MEGA-PACKS. This folder contains collections of roms archived into 7zip or zip files. See image below :-


    Unlimited members will find a folder called this under most systems and can download collections from here.

    There are plans in progress to replace all of this in the future with a fully functional download manager for members that will allow you to bookmark single, multiple and complete folders of files and download them at your leisure.

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