README | Rom Database User Screen

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README | Rom Database User Screen

Postby Hot Trout » Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:54 pm

Welcome to the README for the Rom Database and User Info Panel.

Within this README we will explain what the various sections look like, what they are for and how to use and understand them. If you want to know more about the three different types of user account or you already wish to upgrade your account to either Registered User or Unlimited User then please visit this topic and follow the instructions provided there.

The User Information Panel
Lets start by Looking at the User Information Panel. This image shows you the user as a Guest.
At this stage you either have not yet registered or have not logged in.

1. The top of the box is light green and shows your current status (Guest in this case). Below this you can see the download settings associated with a guest in this case 64KB/s download speed and a maximum of 2 downloads at a time. At the bottom of the light green section you can see links to REGISTER, LOGIN and UPGRADE if required.To the top right of the light green area you can see links to the USER GUIDE and Support FAQ.

2. Below the light green user status window you can see the darker green access rights window.
The first line (Current Folder is Available to : ) shows which user types have access to the current folder you are in (each secion of the rom and emulator database is divided into folders). If G,R or U are highlighted then the folder is available to that type of user. If they are not highlighted then the folder is not available to that type of user. There are three different user types :-
    G = Guest User
    R = Registered User
    U = Unlimited User
The bottom line (Your Current Access Rights : ) shows what access rights you have and this then tells you if you have enough access rights to download the content in that folder. To the bottom right of the window you can see our social media buttons, use these to share and like us on the various social networks.

In the above example you are browsing the roms as a Guest and the current folder you are in will allow you to download because it has Guest access turned on.

How to Login
Click on the Login button or text and the following window will appear
Type in your forum username and your forum password then click the login button.

Registered User Status
Your User Status will now change from Guest User to Registered User
You can now see that the download speed has changed to 192KB/s and the number of downloads has changed to 5 at any time.

Unlimited User Status
There is a third user status available, Unlimited User. You can obtain this status and all of its benefits by making a donation. Once completed this upgrades your account like so :-
You can now see that the speed is unlimited and the number of downloads has increased to 25 at a time.

ROM Database Listings Screen
Now lets take a look at the ROM information presented to you when browsing and what it means.
The ROM database is divided into several main columns.

NAME | GRU | Size | Modified | Rating | DL's | C|R|SS

    NAME = This is the name of the folder
    GRU = The user access rights to that folder, G=Guest, R=Registered, U=Unlimited
    Size = The total Size of that folder and all subfolders under it
    Modified = The Date that folder was last modified
    Rating = The USER selected rating for that folder/section based on users votes
    DL's = Total downloads for that folders and subfolders contents
    C|R|SS = Comments, Reviews, ScreenShots for that folder/section

In the above example, the 8bit folder is available to everyone, Guest Users, Registered Users and Unlimited Users. The Archimedes folder is available to just Registered Users and Unlimited Users. The BBC-Micro folder is available to just Unlimited Users and the Electron folder is not available to anyone.

Note : When a folder shows 'NO ACCESS' it is usually because it is under construction, being modified or offline for some other reason. It is unusual to see 'NO ACCESS' on a folder.

I hope this goes some way to helping you understand the system and how to use it properly.

Remember These Simple Points
    1. If you are a guest then register, it only takes a minute, its free and its faster
    2. Always remember to LOGIN and check that you are logged in to maxamise your speed.
    3.There are sections that require Unlimited User Status in order to download. You need to donate to become Unlimited then you can download anything at maximum speed.
    4. If you donate ALWAYS remember to login with your registered username and password first. If you do not then your account will not be upgraded immdiatly.
    5. Read point 4 again, it is important.
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Hot Trout
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