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Newb question on unarchiving ROMs

PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:19 pm
by jimlefevre
Having got frustrated with waiting for a Pandora to ship ( if you don't know) I bought a Gizmondo from ebay and wanted to use the ROMS on the GIZMONDO page...

I've downloaded a fair few of them (SO appreciative of Old for having them) but the zips are full of loads of other zips and I feel there must be something I'm missing in un-archiving them.

Can anyone help?

many thanks!


Re: Newb question on unarchiving ROMs

PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 8:55 am
by Kherr
I'm not sure what you mean by your post, but I can assure you that WinRAR can handle any archive you need to extract, including ISO files and 7-Zip files.

Hope this helps! :D

Re: Newb question on unarchiving ROMs

PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:56 am
by stinow
When you work with a frontend like Hyperspin, it might be useful to just leave the zip's for what they are. You can send the zip filenames as arguments to the emulator via Hyperspin usually.

In case you want to unpack them all, quick and dirty, I wrote a script a few days ago for my DOS games collection.

This script (.batfile) unpacks all the zipfiles in the directory this file is put in and extracts them, including dir-names in the \New directory. Make sure you remove any 'ending spaces' in the .batfile!

Code: Select all
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

REM   --Dutch-- File voor het uitpakken van alle .zips in de cur directory naar de dir: \New

mkdir New

del files.txt
dir *.zip /W /B > files.txt

for /f "tokens=* delims=&&" %%a in (files.txt) do (

set filelang=%%a
set filekort=!filelang:~0,-4!
set filebijna=!filekort: =!
set filegoed=!filebijna:-=!

mkdir "!filegoed!"
echo !filegoed!

pkunzip -d -e -o "!filelang!" "!filegoed!"

Only thing this script also does; is, it doesn't cope very well with long filenames (>7 chars or something).
The other option is to use an existing tool. Multi-unpack it's called I think. Most other tools are shareware and can unpack only 3 at a time, or have to be fully paid for.

Good luck :thumbup: