Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:11 pm
To help keep the site a bit more cleanly organized, even though it doesn't belong here, I'm going to start uploading music from various places on the web that I find cool. I will also include source links as well, provided you would like to either get it from source or just see it from source because some if not most tracks will have been obtained from youtube. ;3
This thread will contain DOUBLE POSTING, no user posts will be submitted here. GENERAL MUSIC THREAD COMMENTS is where you can post about anything inside of this thread. :3
-January 5th, 2011-
First up, we have "Rainbow Tylenol" by "KitsuneĀ²" This track is just epic.
Second, another track by "KitsuneĀ²" called "Avast Your Ass"
Why that title, I have no idea. :3
And here we have a remix of "Rainbow Tylenol" called "Fred Tylenol" done by "ThatDingoLovinGuy" on youtube. The track was made with Fred sounds. God, finally, that annoying idiot "Fred Figglehorn" now serves a purpose. He's actually entertaining here. :3
And here we have yet ANOTHER remix of "Rainbow Tylenol" called "Super Mario Tylenol" by "LightningWolf3" on youtube.
This thread will contain DOUBLE POSTING, no user posts will be submitted here. GENERAL MUSIC THREAD COMMENTS is where you can post about anything inside of this thread. :3
-January 5th, 2011-
First up, we have "Rainbow Tylenol" by "KitsuneĀ²" This track is just epic.
Second, another track by "KitsuneĀ²" called "Avast Your Ass"
Why that title, I have no idea. :3
And here we have a remix of "Rainbow Tylenol" called "Fred Tylenol" done by "ThatDingoLovinGuy" on youtube. The track was made with Fred sounds. God, finally, that annoying idiot "Fred Figglehorn" now serves a purpose. He's actually entertaining here. :3
And here we have yet ANOTHER remix of "Rainbow Tylenol" called "Super Mario Tylenol" by "LightningWolf3" on youtube.