What do you think about the iPad

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Re: What do you think about the iPad

Postby Manually Installed » Sat Feb 06, 2010 4:28 am

Well, I don't play many flash games, hardly any really. So I couldn't say if it's the best game.
I'm more into MMO's, single player and multiplayer offline games.
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Re: What do you think about the iPad

Postby Guest » Sun Feb 07, 2010 12:10 am

I dont really play many offline multiplayer games. Single players rock tho. Just started Mass Effect 2. Really really fun =]

Re: What do you think about the iPad

Postby Kherr » Tue Mar 23, 2010 11:24 am

Xiaoyu wrote:http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=macs_cant

that's just about all i have to say about anything "Apple" makes lol nothing personal, just Linux > mac

I agree, but I have to say that unfortunately I use Windows because I'm a gamer... Thankfully I know how to maintain windows and my network so that hacking or viruses are damn near impossible for me to get... :D (although I did LOVE my Fedora Core 10... can't wait to try 12. :p)

I don't think 500 dollars is worth it really... I'd rather custom build a Desktop PC with an old case I've got for 500 that would outperform it... but yes... it would be quite interesting to play NES on it to say the least... :ugeek:
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Re: What do you think about the iPad

Postby Guest » Wed Mar 31, 2010 7:26 am

Ha, I know I gave my opinion already but I just remembered I had posted something about the iPad in a different forum so I did a quick search and found what I was looking for. I put a lil more effort into this and was using it to sway some people away from the iPad because im still apposed to it. Lemme know what you think:

Huge screen? Sounds like a desktop would fit your needs better than this thing. And the price would deff be cheaper too.

As for the lacking components, I put together a small and uncompleted list from other sources and myself. See what you think.

1) There is no multitasking. Just like with everything else, you can do 1 thing at a time. Great. So no background apps once again. You can't work on a document and talk on AIM or Gtalk.

2) It Has an Awkward Design the design is a bit awkward because you have to hold it in one hand and balance it while your other hand uses the functionality or more likely you will need to put it on your knees to use it properly. It’s not big enough to be really comfortable for your lap and it’s too small to be used with one hand so it needs to be set down. Right in the middle where you don’t want to be.

3) No Adobe Flash. Thinking of playing flash games while waiting on the bus? This was one thing that I was actually looking forward too because the Flash support would have been great for the iPad but of course Apple is too close minded about it. Once again. So you’re stuck with no flash and completely limited again.

4) No USB support. Like I said earlier, this is pretty much just a mega iPod touch. The iPad is made bigger to almost the size of a netbook but there is no usb support. You need to plug in the special Apple adapter. If you lose it, you'll have to buy another. If you want to plug in multiple devices you need USB to iPad adapters! Since it's not even using Mac OS, most USB devices would probably not work anyway. Starting to lose interest yet?

5) If you’re looking for the 3G Network, it’s AT&T Once Again. There is no Verizon, T-Mobile, or Sprint service available for this product, some of which has better coverage. You can't use T-Mobile's 3G at all because of their MicroSIM made specifically for AT&T.

6) The most memory you’re going to get out of this sucker is 64 GB which is a lot yes, but for some people it’s just not enough. I have plenty more that 64 GB in just movies alone. Not to mention music which is probably triple that. (I do have a lot more music than the average user though). But Apple will charge you extra for higher memory and there is no place for upgrading any higher than that.

7) It’s the old app store again. Yay... not. Just like the iPod Touch you have to download everything from an App store. Meaning if you don't like Safari, you're stuck with it. Some apps may be banned once again. Everything’s limited by the same old rules that blow. Imo of course.

8) Ugh, no cameras. No web cams on the front, and no cameras for photos or videos from the back either. This thing is borderline netbook and still is so far from being one.

9) This sucker is much larger than the touch and iPhone. But still you can’t take an extra battery with you on a long trip because the battery works the same way as an iPod. This things larger so we can only hope that the batter is going to last longer but in the end it will never be enough. Apple though is notorious and praised for their streamline and sleek design in all their products. Batteries tend to be larger in the first place for the main reason that it’s a pain in the butt and Sooooooo expensive to get replaced, so they make it larger from the get go thinking that you’ll never need to.

10) There is no HDMI/DVI output. You can't plug this thing into your TV to display your HD movies. You'd need AppleTV for that. More $$

11) No GPS what so ever. Unlike the T-Mobile MyTouch or the Verizon Droid which both run on Android, where you can multitask and have GPS so that you can use the Beta Google Maps Navigation system for turn-by-turn directions. The iPad you're stuck with locating yourself via WiFi hotspots. Awesome. BTW, even if it did have GPS support, there is still no multitasking remember.

I’m sure there are some people that the iPad would appeal too. I myself have the iPod touch and I’m happy with it. (Jailbroken of course). The iPad has potential, but could have turned out so much better than what they did. Right now you’re so much better off just going to somewhere and picking up a Netbook. Or even a simple laptop. Dell is great and way cheap.

In the end it’s your choice and if I had the chance to get one, I would probably just do it for the heck of it. Just not right now the way it is and not for the $499 - $829 price tag. It just makes more sense for an actual computer than can do waaay more than this.

Re: What do you think about the iPad

Postby Kherr » Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:02 am

^---- Exactly. :D
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Re: What do you think about the iPad

Postby JAHGoVeg » Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:11 am

finally someone else realizes it

thank God, some one elses feels the same way i feel!!!!!!!!!!!
I actually hate my ipod right now. Its a 3G ipod, MC model :evil: , and its running 3.1.3, which is unjailbreakable as of now :cry: . so I'm a very sad person right now.

but at least someone else feels like I do your post made my day, if you don't mind I'd like to be able to repeat what you said on other sites and to my friends, giving you full credit of course. (that would be funny, Do You know what Guest said about the ipad? lol)
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Re: What do you think about the iPad

Postby Funky Duck » Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:31 am

Im so excited to run two apps at once now with the nice new processor :D
o wait...
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Re: What do you think about the iPad

Postby Guest » Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:20 pm

JAHGoVeg wrote:finally someone else realizes it

thank God, some one elses feels the same way i feel!!!!!!!!!!!
I actually hate my ipod right now. Its a 3G ipod, MC model :evil: , and its running 3.1.3, which is unjailbreakable as of now :cry: . so I'm a very sad person right now.

but at least someone else feels like I do your post made my day, if you don't mind I'd like to be able to repeat what you said on other sites and to my friends, giving you full credit of course. (that would be funny, Do You know what Guest said about the ipad? lol)

Haha do what you will JAHGoVeg. I dont mind. =]

Re: What do you think about the iPad

Postby JAHGoVeg » Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:41 pm

thnx Guest
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