thanks Kherr, i'll send you PM tommarow with a url where you can download a copy of the beta version of version 3.0.
thanks for pointing out that the plasmagun was using 2 rounds, i'll have that fixed in the copy that you'll be getting. one of the reasons the plasmagun is so powerful is that i added the "+ripper" string to the projectile. so it does more damage plus i got tired of the doom plasmarifle. i don't have any plans to remove the ripper string but i may lower the power of the projectile in the final public version. the Big F***ing Gun isn't for close ranges (i even stated this in the readme). it's made to be a weapon of mass destruction. as it flys downrange, it shoots out smaller plasmaballs. these are ment to clear the room and damage any big monsters. the projectiles themselves can't hurt you. it's the explosions of the projectiles that damages the player. personaly, i only use it in desperate places where there are tons of monsters. the Big F***ing Gun is ment to be a challenge to use. the over powered explosion of the main projectile has two perposes. 1: it frags or damages any monsters in it's blast radius. 2: it prevents players from abusing the power of the weapon by cheating and using god mode and infinite ammo. i think i have V3.0 setup like i want it now but, i welcome any coments that you may have Kherr. i also invite you to use XWE to look at the decorate file. Happy fragging