BBS Preservation Site

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BBS Preservation Site

Postby crustyasp46 » Thu Mar 24, 2011 5:35 pm

Genie welcome screen

Can you help this site in its attempt to preserve BBS history?

This is an appeal to all that are collectors of old computers and the old software of the BBS days. If you have old tapes or disks with BBS logs or anything related to BBS of bygone days that may be usefull to this site, please upload or donate it.

Here is what Jason Scott has said to ask for help in preserving this valuable information:

" Thanks for asking about how to help.
TEXTFILES.COM represents a multi-hundred-dollar cost to me each month, taking into consideration hosting and other concerns. To be honest, I can take it. I'm at an excellent job at a wonderful company and they pay me well enough to allow me this and other nice hobbies. This isn't to say I'll turn your money away, of course, but it shouldn't be your primary concern.

What is of primary concern to me is saving the files and text from the 1980's, and that text is located on now-aging disks, tape, and even, I dare say, 10 and 20 meg hard drives. When those media go, that's the end of that data, and I know I haven't gotten every important file ever created. If you've got some old disks that have files you never did anything with, please consider sending them or a copy of them to me. That stuff is precious; and it is rare; and it is finite. That's what matters.

If you're really a glutton for punishment, consider becoming a mirror. I could use more in other countries, than the US, which is pretty well sewed up. I can give details of the size and other matters.

Finally, if you're from that time, please consider mailing me about your experiences and what you learned from your time on the BBSes. Consider writing essays; consider sharing what you went through with the world. I'll happily provide a forum.

Thanks for caring."

Jason Scott

My name is Jason Scott. Since I was 9 years old, I have had a fervent love of computers and technology, bounded only by realities of economics and time. From the BBS world of the 80's to the early wonders of the Internet and to the Web and beyond, I've dabbled and dosed myself in whatever hot new computing fads and freakishness this wonderful world could come up with.

As I entered into my late 20's, I realized I had been a part of many great things, and the perspective I had gained since that time gave me ideas. The most potent of these ideas has been to spread the feelings, horrors and astonishments of computing's history to people who came into it late, or never came into it at all.

I wasn't a Big Player in the Turning Points of the last 20 years, but I was a good listener and a good watcher, and I hope that what I do bring to you will both excite and intrigue. If you were there, we'll reminisce together. And if you weren't there, do I have a story to tell you....

Web Site:

For anyone who isn't familiar with BBS, drop into this fantastic website and explore, I guarantee that it will be an eye opener experience !

Thanks to any and all that may be able to contribute :!: :thankyou:
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