Controlling Times Square’s Screens With a Phone

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Controlling Times Square’s Screens With a Phone

Postby crustyasp46 » Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:54 pm

Controlling Times Square’s Screens With a Phone, for Real This Time


A man from Toronto will try to take over a 5,000-square-foot screen in Times Square with his phone on Tuesday night March 22, 2011, replicating a hoax video that drew millions of viewers online.

Adi Isakovic called MTV last fall to propose a deal: he would stream live video, text messages and other content directly from his phone onto the company’s gargantuan video screen in Times Square. The demonstration would give Mr. Isakovic the chance show off a technology he had been developing for years, while MTV would place itself at the forefront of a movement, attracting a wave of innovators eager to develop the next generation of public art and advertising.

He never heard back.

But last Monday Mr. Isakovic, a 27-year old from Toronto, watched a video online in which a man seemed to do exactly what he had suggested. The video was a viral hit; over 2.7 million people have watched it since it was posted. It also turned out to be a hoax intended to market a movie. Still, Mr. Isakovic, who runs a two-person technology start-up called TubeMote, decided that his moment had arrived.

Over the course of several frantic days he persuaded an agency that sells advertising space on an 5,000-square-foot screen on West 47th Street and Seventh Avenue to give him a few heavily discounted minutes to show what he could do. He and his wife and business partner, Tania Nardandrea-Isakovic, drove to New York over the weekend and put their system through its final tests and tweaks. At 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Mr. Isakovic will attempt to take over the screen in Times Square with his phone.

If the demonstration is successful, it will be a watershed moment for the TubeMote. The company wants to allow people to use their phones as universal remotes, controlling not only their televisions and home security systems, but also public screens in elevators, on stadium scoreboards and, of course, in Times Square. It is a vision whose potential applications remain cloudy, but Mr. Isakovic says he believes that interactive public screens will be increasingly integrated into campaigns by advertisers looking to engage potential consumers directly. It is negotiating deals with several clients, said Mr. Isakovic. Among those is Adapt Media, a Canadian advertising agency that is working with TubeMote on a campaign where people could use their phones to post messages about the tsunami in Japan on public screens while also donating to relief efforts.

Mr. Isakovic’s partners seem to be motivated by equal parts curiosity and generosity, rather than a shared conviction that his goals are realizable.

“We wanted to help him out,” said Tony Sinodinos, chief executive of Spectacular Design Group, which runs the screen. “Whether or not I believe it is another thing.”
But it is clear that for Mr. Isakovic the stakes are higher than a fledgling business venture. He has been rolling this dream around in his head for much of his life, and said that the obsession had become the primary aspect of his life. When contacted by this reporter by e-mail, he agreed to an interview, but warned that he often worked himself into such a lather while programming that he lost the ability to communicate.

“Something happens to me when I focus deeply enough to create a complete hyper-dimensional model of a problem domain in my mind. It is almost as if different groups of neurons in my brain fire asynchronously, and if I try to speak I sound pretty crazy and confused,” he wrote. “So I hope I am not in that state when you call.” (Luckily, he was not.)

Mr. Isakovic’s first venture into interactive technology came when he was 16. He started a company to develop interactive video screens that would be installed in the back of taxis. In the end it was a failure from both a marketing and technical perspective.

“When the car went over a bump, the system would crash,” he said. “There was pretty much nothing useful about it.”

Of course, the idea of screens in taxis hardly seems far-fetched in present-day New York, where they are now are required by law — and are the only way that many passengers can calculate a 20 percent tip. Mr. Isakovic is confident that, 10 years from now, the idea of communicating with ubiquitous interactive screens will feel similarly obvious.

“I think it would be ideal,” he said. “I think it would make cities beautiful.”

He has talked a way into his chance to test out his dream. Now he just has to prove he can pull it off.
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Re: Controlling Times Square’s Screens With a Phone

Postby crustyasp46 » Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:31 pm

Toronto tech-whiz controls Times Square screen from cellphone


As Broadway buzzed by, Adi Isakovic turned Times Square into his living room.

Standing on a traffic island in the iconic New York City strip, the 27-year-old from Toronto projected images of his honeymoon and miniature French poodle onto a 5,000-square-foot screen from his cellphone on Tuesday night.

Isakovic accomplished what an elaborate hoax attempted to trick people into thinking was possible just a week ago. That online video—which turned out to be a marketing ploy for a movie — has had 2.7 million views since it was posted.

Unlike that one, Isakovic’s video is real.

“It’s basically the ability to broadcast and control screens remotely,” he explained, in the simplest of terms after the remarkable feat.

Sensing an opportunity to piggyback off the YouTube hoax, Isakovic convinced the agency that owns and operates a massive screen at Seventh Ave. and West 47th St., to sell him ad space at a huge discount.

(Isakovic wouldn’t disclose the final cost, but said the couple “barely” managed to pay for it.)

“It was mostly just luck,” he laughed of the seemingly impossible business deal. “The clock was ticking. That was the part that was the most draining.”

On Tuesday night the pressure was on. But true to their claims, a few stressful minutes after 8 p.m., grainy and shaky footage from Isakovic’s iPhone appeared.

Cookie, the couple’s miniature French poodle, was sniffing at the 50-foot high, 100-foot wide screen. The pup was followed by video clips of their honeymoon in Hawaii.

“I was definitely relieved to see it show up,” said Isakovic.

The screen served as a web browser that was set to Isakovic’s channel, he explained. That allowed him to go log into the same account from his iPhone and control the gargantuan screen and play videos on it.

Raj Sikder, manager of Roxy Delicatessen across the street, went outside to watch the spectacle after being pestered by a Star reporter.

“I see a guy standing the wrong way,” he relayed over the phone, unimpressed. “I see a guy in a (horizontal) picture. He’s wearing a black or blue shirt.”

The sideways guy was Isakovic. His wife was using her iPhone to stream live video of him on the Internet. She was holding it horizontally.

Meanwhile, Isakovic tapped into that feed on his phone — which was sent onto the screen, blasting his image across Times Square.

Despite the accomplishment, New York barely noticed. A tourist stopped the couple as they chatted with a Times reporter and asked them to snap a photo of him.

“It was great,” Isakovic laughed. “Nobody cared.”

While the technology currently hinges on its awe-factor, Isakovic says interactive public screens can be used to engage consumers directly in interactive advertising campaigns. ... r_embedded
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Re: Controlling Times Square’s Screens With a Phone

Postby Guest » Thu Mar 24, 2011 6:17 am

I just dont understand how thats possible. How can you override the data being sent through a wire without physically intercepting it.

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