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Create an 8-Bit Avatar of Yourself

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:05 pm
by crustyasp46

If you are into creating crazy or funny looking avatars then you will like this new service called The name instantly suggests that the service has got something to do with 8-bit. That’s true. It helps you create an 8 bit avatar of yourself. And they actually look pretty cool! You need to sign up with them via Twitter (uses OAuth) and then you can create a full-body avatar that shows a slight movement too. Their homepage displays some examples of user avatars.


Overall this is a nice service to play with and I couldn’t find anything else apart from letting you create 8-bit full body avatars. Their homepage also plays music automatically which will remind you of video games, like Mario.
8-bit avatar maker online
Create 8-bit avatars with distinct colors.
Avatars are full body and show movement.
Sign in via Twitter to access the service.
Similar tools: ClayYourself, ThatsMyFace, AvatarizeYourself, Navilator and MpChange.

Re: Create an 8-Bit Avatar of Yourself

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:20 pm
by gamfrkI
i made one
Code: Select all

Re: Create an 8-Bit Avatar of Yourself

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 9:26 pm
by Guest
This site is super intriguing to me. I love any retro scene and this deff fits the category. I can also tell that this is a brand new system. There are deff improvements to be made and sooo many features can be added. I cant wait to see this site blossom

Re: Create an 8-Bit Avatar of Yourself

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:27 pm
by crustyasp46
Nice avatars Gamfrkl and Guest, although both your faces are a little out of focus, On purpose perhaps? :lol:

It is nice to see that my lead is being used and appreciated.