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MAME 0.140 and 0.141 Update

PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 4:53 pm
by Hot Trout

A number of siginificant updates have been made to our MAME section, bringing us bang up to date as follows :-

Mame Roms 0.140 u1 Update
Mame Roms 0.140 u2 Update
Mame Roms 0.140 u3 Update
Mame Roms 0.140 to 0.141 Update
Mame Artwork 0.140
Mame Titles 0.140
Mame CHD's 0.140
Mame CHD's 0.140 u1 Update
Mame CHD's 0.140 u2 Update
Mame CHD's 0.140 u3 Update

A total of 201GB of Mame updates and the first official 'BIG UPDATE' of 2011 is now complete. Thus starts my quest to fill all 3TB of our new server. :freakout:

Re: MAME 0.140 and 0.141 Update

PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:31 pm
by te_lanus
Just a thought, what about hosting the mame+ and Mame + Ash-build roms

Re: MAME 0.140 and 0.141 Update

PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 6:11 pm
by Hot Trout
These are still rarely used and easily available as an addon to the main mame sets. Do you think we should also include these. Can you also please explain for everyone the benefits of these two additional sets.