It is with a real sense of fear that we all are faced with the threat poised from the Cronavirus COVID-19. In these times we should all be self isolating and taking all the necessary precautions laid out to us by our respective governments. I would urge all of you to do this.
It is also evident to me that the number of people accessing this resource is increasing every day as a result of people spending more time in isolation. At theoldcomputer.com we are going to do everything we can to help you enjoy this resource and to do our part in any way we can. I have made as much of the site FREE to download as I sensibly can and I invite you all to spend some time playing and using the collection that is stored here. PMJPlay (Curator for the Emulator Section) is working flat out to keep them all up to date so that you can run these games on as many different systems as possible.
We are very active on DISCORD if you would also rather chat live with us and the forums have a massive amount of stored knowledge and resource as well.
We ask you all to enjoy this site and its contents, if you are able to we would ask that you please donate to keep us running. We run from hand to mouth every month so every cent you send us really matters.
Stay safe everyone and enjoy some retro gaming.