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IMPORTANT : Planed Server Downtime for Upgrades

PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 8:49 am
by Hot Trout
Everyone Please Read:

The Site and the Forums will be offline from approx 10am GMT until 17pm GMT for a planed hardware upgrade. During this time no access will be allowed. Please try back again at 17pm GMT.

Update : Downtime has been extended until 11pm GMT as file copy is taking longer than expected.

Update : Server is back on line as of 2:20am on 9th Sep 2010, 15 hours after the upgrade started. Although this has taken longer than expected the upgrade has been a huge success and as a result the website, forums, roms and emulators are all working a lot faster. The speed increase is really noticable. :cheers:

Re: IMPORTANT : Planed Server Downtime for Upgrades

PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 9:00 am
by Guest
Excited. Except its kinda quiet round here...

Re: IMPORTANT : Planed Server Downtime for Upgrades

PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 9:12 am
by Hot Trout
It is very quiet round here the past few days :eh:

Re: IMPORTANT : Planed Server Downtime for Upgrades

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 11:26 am
by Kherr
Well, that's the problem when people that join don't post... >.> I'm trying to get people to join. :(

Re: IMPORTANT : Planed Server Downtime for Upgrades

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 12:00 pm
by Hot Trout
To keep on topic, can I ask everyone what their opinion and experience of the new server speeds are?

1. Please let me know what your maximum download speed is (remember to login to test)
2. How the site now feel to use
3. Do you think it was worth the downtime?
4. Any other comments please

Re: IMPORTANT : Planed Server Downtime for Upgrades

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 7:18 pm
by Guest
HOLY JESUS :shock:

1) My download time speed just went waaaaay up! Check it out:
(Btw, only used this area cause I knew it had large files :P )

2) The site is snappy. Love it. I can quickly get from one area to the next and open multiple pages and not wait at all.

3) Was it worth the downtime? Absolutely! It was quiet here anyways so it seems you hit the good spot with timing.

4) Other comments... I couldn't directly upload my pic as an attachment in this section but maybe in others. Idk. I get on this site and forum every single day now. The ONLY problem that we are seeing right now is the amount of participation going on. We need more people and I honestly dont know how to get them in here. We have 8883 members and I can probably name all the ones who post off the top of my head. Im glad to help out those that come in here with questions or comments, but Its just so few. What can be done guys?

Re: IMPORTANT : Planed Server Downtime for Upgrades

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:48 pm
by gamfrkI
1. my download was about 60 - 80 kb a second its now at 170 - 211 kb a second
2. the site got a lot faster than before
3. downtime was worth it (i was asleep it happened)
4. and to get more people to post add more topics to the main forum

Re: IMPORTANT : Planed Server Downtime for Upgrades

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:22 pm
by Hot Trout
It looks like $10 is going to get members a lot more bang for their buck. Unlimited accounts are now approx 20x faster than registered :o

I lovin it :clap:

Re: IMPORTANT : Planed Server Downtime for Upgrades

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 10:00 pm
by gamfrkI
before the server update i had the unlimited and got 60 - 80 kb now after the update its downloading at full speed

Re: IMPORTANT : Planed Server Downtime for Upgrades

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 10:16 pm
by Guest
Looks like you might need to update the advertisements to register to reflect this new upgrade!