Neslife wrote:Sorry for my English. I'm working with a translator. I have a question about 72Pinconnectors.
I am searching for the imprint? I can not find it.
I would like to upgrade my account. The site has a shop. But she's setting up connections unencrypted. http and not https.
Since I don't know the side, be careful.
Can you understand my concerns? wrote:I have been an unlimited member for some years back when you accepted Paypal.
I want to recommend this to a friend but the payment method of credit card or bitcoin is not possible for him.
Personally I have no interest in bitcoin etc. I'm sure there are a lot of people who feel the same way and direct use of a credit card is always a security risk. I'm sure you will say it is not, but it is proven it is.
You *really* need to accept more common and more convenient methods of payment like Paypal as your current methods alone will turn people off paying for unlimited access.
Just saying you need to look into it
FullerTRON wrote:Just tried to donate via NOCHEX and I got an error message after entering all payment information and selecting Make Payment that the "service is unavailable". Please advise.
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