Please Read : Forum Rules

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Please Read : Forum Rules

Postby Hot Trout » Mon Feb 08, 2010 2:43 pm

Forum Rules and Guidelines
ALL Members Please Read Carefully
Last Update : Jan 2013

Lets start with ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY Rules, please read this topic first.

This community is for everyone of all ages. For that simple reason it is important that all members remember the responsibility they have when posting to the forums. Obscene, or foul language will not be tolerated. These forums are watched daily if not hourly, don't even bother to try and post spam links to outside sites or products. You will be immediately deleted along with your posts and your IP will be banned.

1 - Do not mini-mod, impersonating a staff member is a serious offense and may lead to a permanent ban.

2 - All publicly displayed messages are only limited to English. This includes posts, titles, signatures, profiles and other forms of public display.

3 - Members who disobey the rules will be warned or banned depending on what the moderator believes is the appropriate punishment.

4 - If you believe you do not deserve the warn please contact the moderator who warned you. Talking back to the moderator who gave you the warning with no sense of respect will lead to further warnings.

5 - If you do not know why you received a warning, an email and private message would have been sent to notify you of the reason why you were warned and who warned you.

6 - All topics must contain an appropriate description.

7 - Topic titles must have an appropriate description.
For example:
An example for a good description is "Help needed with a game (and preferably what game)"
An example for a wrong description is "HEEEEELP!"

8 - Treat others positively and with respect. Flaming other members or other forums will lead to a warning, possibly even a ban.

9 - Please refrain from double posting as much as you can. If your post is the last one on the list, please use the edit button to change or add information to your post. If you are bumping the thread, you must post a new post because editing your last post will not bump the thread. DO NOT EXCESSIVELY MULTI-POST.

10 - Content of posts should not be explicit, offensive, shocking, or discussions of demerit commodities.

11 - No topic hijacking - going off topic from the description.

12 - Excessive posting of similar messages to increase post count is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.

13 - No SPAMMING or SOLICITATION. Off topic or obviously 'non related' posts will result in a ban.

14 - Links to any outside website that are not about retro gaming or computing in your signature are STRICTLY PROHIBITED.

15 - It is considered bad form to add an outside website link to your signature on your first post(s). The mods have the right to delete any posts they feel break this rule.

16 - All links to outside sites MUST be contained within the 'CODE' tags and must not be directly click-able.

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Hot Trout
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