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I'm thinking arcade emulation has reached its natural end

PostPosted: Sun Aug 11, 2024 1:24 am
by nightshade
What im saying is we all knew at some point because of the death of the first run arcades the emulators were going to run out of games eventually and even though it took almost 30 years to do it there's not much new unless you count things like pinball or redemption games

I know there's foreign games that never made it out of their country of origin but unless someone knows how to translate them that's a niche market so to speak

am I wrong right or dumb ?

Re: I'm thinking arcade emulation has reached its natural en

PostPosted: Sun Aug 11, 2024 6:37 pm
by Dragon Mech
i believe that arcade emulation isn't ending anytime soon. thanks to brands like arcade 1up, it's shifting from a hobbyist and enthusiast niche to main stream as the younger generations are learning about arcades from their parents.The older generations are also wanting to replay the arcade games that they grew up with but don't want to travel long distances to a still operative arcade or spend a lot of money on original hardware that is still in working condition. i personally prefer the real feel of an original arcade machine, but i do appreciate the reproductions that are being released by brands like arcade 1up.

Re: I'm thinking arcade emulation has reached its natural en

PostPosted: Mon Aug 12, 2024 12:14 pm
by Hot Trout
I thought that when old guys like me dies out the interest in old arcade would also die but interestingly there is an entire new generation of arcade game enthusiast that were not even born when the arcades closed.

Most of these new fans are using emulation and even better FPGA hardware to run the arcade games in true timings. The interest is very much alive.

Re: I'm thinking arcade emulation has reached its natural en

PostPosted: Mon Aug 12, 2024 11:12 pm
by nightshade
oh I meant the technical in running out of new things to emulate ...I was watching a video that shows what's new in mame and it was just fixes to games that had been long emulated or estoric stuff that most people wouldn't use/want......

Re: I'm thinking arcade emulation has reached its natural en

PostPosted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 12:40 pm
by Hot Trout
Well yes you are right about that aspect of arcade emulation. Most of the original arcade games are now in a perfectly using state for emulation. The future development will be the conversion to FPGA versions of each game.