Hot Trout wrote:I cant say that i ever got into playing them online i prefer playing the, on the original equip. It might be worth looking into again and posting back here with your findings.
Welcome by the way, good to see you here.
Will do, and thanks for the welcome.
silent sniper wrote:is it easy to set it up for online play?
never played an emulator online but i think playing street fighter against a human and not a bot is allot better.
they are pretty easy to set up, with only a few additional steps past the regular emulator setup. The aggravating part (for me at least, maybe i've always looked in the wrong places) is finding a current server list. the online emulators themselves are fairly easy to find, with most just adding a 'k' to the name to denote kaillera (ex. project64k or MAME 32k)