MAME ROMS, an experts view please
Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:51 pm
I acquired a library of MAME ROMS when I was working in Dubai, and the number of arcades is about 6000.
The number of this website seems very complete, but number of arcades is only about 2000. I'd like an expert to look over my library and see if there are duplicates and redundancies. The whole Library is too large to email around, 21Gb, so Ive put folders 0-9 and 'a' on our server.
They also have cheats, images and other goodies which I run on the GUI verson of MAME.
Any thoughts please.
The number of this website seems very complete, but number of arcades is only about 2000. I'd like an expert to look over my library and see if there are duplicates and redundancies. The whole Library is too large to email around, 21Gb, so Ive put folders 0-9 and 'a' on our server.
They also have cheats, images and other goodies which I run on the GUI verson of MAME.
Any thoughts please.