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Get the word out! (Guests and Members MUST READ!)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 1:10 am
by Kherr
Alright guys, I sure know that we'd love to have more members to talk with, so all the guests that are online (especially today) why haven't you registered? Is it because of low activity? Well, if you don't register and tell people about it, how can this place get better; how can it grow? It can't. We NEED the help from everyone who comes here, guest or not, to SPREAD THE WORD.

We have to help out, big or small, and I can't do this by myself. I know that most of you did a search on google to find a good ROM site, and this is it. He's been around longer and has been the most reliable since 1999. Hot Trout deserves to see his hard work pay off, and that can't happen if people don't help him. Guest and myself have been helping the best we can, but we're only two people... The other 1,899,997 people that grace his site for FREE need to help out, that's all there is to it. You're recruited, and you're in for the long haul soldier.

All I'm asking is please, PLEASE help us out! Our numbers are growing by the day, but our active members remain the same. A select handful of people, majorly just Guest and myself. If you found this forum board by googling, then you need to join. Why visit somewhere new on the net and not try it out? I did, and I love it. I want this place to grow, and like a said earlier, it has to start with YOU. Thanks for taking the time to read this announcement. :ugeek:

Re: Get the word out! (Guests and Members MUST READ!)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:36 pm
by JAHGoVeg
Do you know how long i have been here to Old and leeched. (i feel bad okay!! :cry: ) anyways i never would have registered unless i had read your post about needing the help. the second i read that i registered with the forum. i will make it my personal goal to try to help this forum as much as i can with my busy schedule. ( Kids are busy nowadays. :D ) anyways i'll get the word out to my gaming friends! ;)

sorry I can't resist using this smiley :ugeek: . its so cool :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:


Re: Get the word out! (Guests and Members MUST READ!)

PostPosted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 11:39 am
by Hot Trout
Can I also ask everyone to link back to this site from as many places as possible. Link from your facebook, my space, websites, other forums and websites. I also need you to read the link to us section for detailed instructions on how best to do this.

Thanks and get linking.

Re: Get the word out! (Guests and Members MUST READ!)

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2010 1:55 pm
by Kherr
I've already linked to you on my myspace AND my main website. :p


Oh noes... see, we've not had a single post in over 24 hours... this is bad, especially with over 1k members... T_T

Re: Get the word out! (Guests and Members MUST READ!)

PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:47 am
by Seelentraum

Sorry to donate later!

It's really unbelivable!
But symantec blocks your site after each try to donate and pay by paypal! :freakout:

I think this "security suite" is a shame for each user.
Especially for those who like to use older computer systems.

I hope symantec stops the blockade immediately.
If not i will treat the support each day until they do!
Because your site and work is more than great!

If allowed, i'll be proud to link back to your brilliant site!

Have a nice day, until!
And thanks to bring the good ol# games and times back! :thankyou:


Re: Get the word out! (Guests and Members MUST READ!)

PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 2:07 am
by JAHGoVeg
Bump. GET THE WORD OUT!!!!!!!

Re: Get the word out! (Guests and Members MUST READ!)

PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 8:15 pm
by Kherr
Wow, JAHGoVeg... I almost completely forgot I even made this thread. :3

Re: Get the word out! (Guests and Members MUST READ!)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:04 pm
by JAHGoVeg
lol. me too.