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Handheld video game player pxp3

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 6:45 am
by nightshade
anyone ever use one of these things...its only 30 us............ ... xe,ext=ext

if so let me know how it was ......

Re: Handheld video game player pxp3

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 8:58 am
by Hot Trout
I have bought some Chinese consoles and handhelds over the years and some are great whereas others are pants. Not sure about this one but it is probably ok for $30.

Re: Handheld video game player pxp3

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 8:10 pm
by nightshade
yeah it seems ok to me too..... theres another version that looks like the old style gba ......... and theres a good list of games for it ive seen tv systems like this that was just crap roms and such... in fact that's how I found out Xboxes could have emus on it .. I talked ot my used game guy and he said oh don't buy that I can hook ya up with something better ..... only prob is he couldn't figure out how to put mame on it ......... and cant/wont mod 360s .......